Shiv Shakti vs Jawahar: BJP, Congress spar over naming of landing points on Moon | India NewsWORLD NEWS

NEW DELHI: A row erupted between the BJP and Congress on Saturday following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement in Bengaluru that Chandrayaan-3’s landing spot on the Moon would be named ‘Shiv Shakti point’ and the crash site of Chandrrayaan-2 would be named ‘Tiranga point’.
“There is a scientific tradition of naming the location of a touchdown.India has decided to name the lunar region where our Chandrayaan-3 landed. The place where Vikram lander descended will be known as Shiv Shakti point,” PM Modi said.

On naming the point where Chandrayaan-2 left its imprints as Tiranga point, PM Modi said this will serve as an inspiration for every effort that India makes and remind us that failure is not the end. “Success is a guarantee where there is strong willpower”.

BJP takes swipe at Congress over Jawahar point
Taking a potshot at the Congress, which named the spot where Chandrayaan-1 crashed in 2008 as ‘Jawahar Point’, BJP national spokesperson Shehzad Poonwalla said: “PM Modi puts India first. UPA puts family first”.
“Had it been UPA, they would have never sent Chandrayaan 2 and 3, and if they did they would have named it Indira Point and Rajiv Point,” he added.
The Chandrayaan-1 probe was designed to crash land on November 14, coinciding with Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday.
‘Isro founded under Congress regime’
The BJP’s jab prompted a response from senior Congress leader Rashid Alvi, “You can’t compete with Jawaharlal Nehru on anything … Pandit Nehru founded all this … Isro was founded under the Congress regime … But now Modi is politicising everything.”

“The entire world will laugh … We have landed, it is very good. We are proud of it, no doubt about it. But we are not the owner of the Moon or the point,” Alvi added.
Poonwalla shot back at Alvi’s remarks, saying the Congress had once again revealed its “anti-Hindu” stance.
“Shiv Shakti Point and Tiranga Point are attached to the country. Why does Rashid Alvi find this ridiculous? The Congress has a family-first principle … Vikram lander is named after Vikram Sarabhai,” Poonawalla argued.
Who decides the names?
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is the leading authority in assigning official names to lunar features.
In 2021, the IAU approved China’s application for naming eight new features on the moon around the landing site of the Chang’e-5 probe, totaling 35 features on the moon with Chinese names.
Though the naming of a landing point may not have to be approved by the IAU, any attempts by India to name physical features near the landing site will require the agency’s nod.
(With inputs from agencies)

Watch PM Modi names the point where Chandrayaan-3 moon lander landed as ‘Shiv shakti’

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