Watch: Kieron Pollard smashes 4 monstrous sixes in a single over in CPL | Cricket NewsWORLD NEWS

NEW DELHI: West Indies great Kieron Pollard unleashed his power with four consecutive colossal sixes in a single over during a Caribbean Premier League (CPL) match. The stadium roared as the cricketing titan showcased his dominance, leaving the fans in awe of his explosive prowess with the bat.
In a game-changing moment, Pollard took on 19-year-old Afghan leg-spinner Izharulhaq Naveed, smashing him for four monstrous sixes, including three that sailed over the 100-meter mark. The 15th over witnessed the explosive onslaught, which altered the course of the match dramatically.
Pollard’s first three sixes were 101m, 107m and 102m hits and the last one off Naveed was a 95m six. All the four sixes were hit over deep mid-wicket region.

Pollard, who smashed five monstrous sixes in his 16-ball unbeaten 37 runs knock, guided Trinbago Knight Riders to a six wicket win over St Kitts and Nevis Patriots in the CPL.
Pollard has always stood as one of the fiercest six-hitters, striking terror into bowlers worldwide. Even the boldest dared not pitch fuller deliveries, knowing his ability to dispatch them into the stands. His mastery extended to effortlessly launching yorkers for straight sixes, cementing his reputation as a dominant force.

Pollard announced his retirement from the Indian Premier League (IPL) in 2022 after playing for Mumbai Indians for 13 seasons.

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