G20: Russia’s Putin unable to come, PM Modi thanks him for consistent support | India NewsWORLD NEWS

NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for Russia’s “consistent support” in G20 as Putin conveyed his inability to attend the summit next month in a phone call and said Russia would be represented by foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.
Kremlin had earlier said that Putin had no plan to visit India for the summit as he was busy with Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine.The meeting covered other issues also, with Putin congratulating Modi for the successful landing of the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon and the two leaders reaffirming the willingness to further develop bilateral cooperation in space exploration and to also implement “large-scale” projects in the energy sector.


Putin-Modi hold telephone call, Russia to be represented by FM Lavrov at upcoming G20 meet in Delhi

While expressing an understanding for Russia’s decision, Modi thanked Putin for Russia’s consistent support to all initiatives under India’s G20 Presidency, according to the Indian government.

The two leaders discussed ongoing efforts and talks for a successful summit. The Russia-Ukraine war continues to cast a shadow on G20 as a consensus on that issue remains elusive. Moscow said there was an “exchange of views” on the upcoming G20 meet.
“The two leaders reviewed progress on a number of issues of bilateral cooperation and exchanged views on regional and global issues of mutual concern, including the recently concluded Brics Summit in Johannesburg,” said the Indian government in its readout, adding that Modi and Putin agreed to remain in touch.

According to the Kremlin, the significance of the agreements reached in Johannesburg, primarily, the expansion of Brics, which will “undoubtedly contribute to the growth of its influence” in international affairs, was emphasised. The addition of six more countries to Brics has been widely seen as a move to develop the grouping as a counterweight to West.
“The sides agreed on close interaction in the context of Russia’s BRICS chairmanship starting on January 1, 2024. Topical issues of Russian-Indian relations, steadily developing in the spirit of the special and privileged strategic partnership, were touched upon. The positive dynamics of trade and economic cooperation was underscored,” it said.
“A mutual commitment to the consistent implementation of large-scale projects in the energy sector and joint work on expansion of international transport and logistics infrastructure was expressed,” Russia added.

Watch Breaking: Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the G20 summit

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