The concept of Soul MatesWORLD NEWS

The concept of soul mates revolves around the idea of a deep, special connection with someone based on compatibility, similarities, love, and trust. These individuals are seen as those with whom we share our life journey and soul’s purpose.
In Vedic astrology, the notion of soul mates aligns with the belief in reincarnation. According to this philosophy, we’re immortal souls experiencing a cycle of rebirth.With each life, we carry forward karma from previous incarnations, influencing our present circumstances.
Soul mates, in this belief system, are those with whom we share significant karmic ties, potentially spanning across multiple lifetimes. This strong karmic link extends into our current existence, impacting us in various ways—positive or negative, yet always significant.
How does Vedic astrology interpret soul mates?
Vedic astrology utilizes a method to identify potential soul mates. Astrologers follow specific steps to match horoscopes:

  • Preparation of Birth Chart: Astrologers create birth charts (Kundali) based on the exact date, time, and place of birth for both individuals.
  • Ashtakoot Milan: This method assesses compatibility by analyzing eight aspects or kootas of the birth charts of the prospective couple.
  • Scoring and Interpretation: Each of the eight factors is assigned certain points. Astrologers interpret these scores to evaluate compatibility.

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