Farooq pushes for Pakistan dialogue, cites ‘Gaza’ warning | India NewsWORLD NEWS

SRINAGAR: National Conference (NC) president and MP Farooq Abdullah urged the Centre Tuesday to resume talks with Pakistan to end terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, warning of a “Gaza-like situation” if it did not while demanding a probe into why “innocent people were tortured to death” in Poonch during a hunt for terrorists who killed four soldiers last week.
The former CM’s push for talks with Islamabad came against the backdrop of a spurt in terror activities in J&K in recent months, particularly in the Poonch-Rajouri belt of Jammu.To buttress his argument, the NC patriarch referred to former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s statement that “we can change friends but can’t change neighbours”.

“Even PM Modi had said that war is not an option. So if voices of dialogue come from Pakistan today, why are we not responding to them? If we will not resolve our issues through dialogue, God forbid the day is not far when our situation will become like Gaza and Palestine,” Farooq said.

The NC leader cited a statement by former PM Nawaz Sharif, ahead of the February 8 general elections in Pakistan, that he favoured talks with India. “Nawaz Sharif is about to become PM and they are saying we are ready to talk. But why are we not ready to talk? If we do not find a solution through dialogue, we will meet the same fate as Gaza and Palestine,” Farooq said.
Dialogues between the neighbours are necessary to resolve disputes and save the lives of innocent people in J&K, the NC leader stressed.
Farooq was scathing on the deaths of three civilians in Poonch during the hunt for terrorists behind the December 21 ambush amid widespread protests in the Valley and allegations of torture.
“The Army Chief has taken the Northern Commander from here (J&K) to the academy in Dehradun but it will not resolve the problem. There should be an investigation into why this happened” Farooq said.

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The NC leader alleged that the three deceased were tortured.“Peaceful citizens, eight of them, were taken away. Three could not bear the torture and succumbed. Five others are in hospital. The brother of one of the victims is in the BSF for 24 years. Now he says he has got brother’s death in return for his services to the nation,” Farooq alleged.
The former CM trashed BJP’s claims that terrorism had ended in J&K. “Four years ago, the home minister (Amit Shah) gave a speech in Chennai that Article 370 was responsible for terrorism in J&K. Now terrorism will end in J&K and development is on. Four years later, he made a speech in Parliament and said he had not said anything like that,” Farooq said.
“Terrorism has not ended, it is increasing. Trained people (terrorists) are coming in and they are not caught. Innocent people are being targeted,” Farooq added.
Watch If no India-Pak talks, Kashmir will face same fate as Gaza: Farooq Abdullah after Poonch attack

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