Fighting a ratings war!!!

It is a well known fact that India Financial Bureaucracy (including Finance Ministry and PMO Office of Economic Affairs) have been fighting a raging battle that India’s country rating needs to improve and rise some notches up.  

The international financial ratings agencies such as Standard & Poor, Fitch, Moody’s have never accepted our contention and invariably give some argument highlighting weaknesses in India’s economic and financial activity world which prevents them from assigning an improved rating to the country.  We can keep going on in this argument when the other side is conveniently deaf and behaves as if it has not heard anything worthy of consideration.  

The time to fight a war is now here.  We need to set up an international quality ratings agency sensitive to India and developing world issues and take the fight in the camp of these restricted and powerful ratings agencies, often with their own agendas. This battle takes the shape in the following ways:

  1. With the help of financial and economic internationally known faculty that is available with our IIMs / Institute of Chartered Accountants / Institute of Cost Accountants / Faculty teaching Economics across Indian Universities – we should lay out the shape of and path to an India & developing world centric Ratings Agency.  Important that this is an independent body, not linked with the Central Government set up by an Act of Parliament and capable of generating it’s Revenues.
  2. This rating agency must lay down it’s Ratings methodology and rankings, closely in sync with the rankings of the international financial agencies mentioned above.
  3. This Ratings agency must be empowered to rate the country financial and economic ground reality and must opine on their view of the country.  All data shared with the international agencies should be shared with them.  Additional data if required MUST BE provided. All their queries and questions must be explained and answered by concerned officials.  Important that they must be allowed to operate in timelines for deriving benefits and their work is not delayed.  
  4. We cannot have the international ratings agencies getting all the attention and limelight  and the India version not getting it’s attention dues.  The treatment of both should be fair and equitable.
  5. In case the ratings ranking of both differ (with India rating agency presumably giving a better rating), the Indian side MUST passionately argue why the International Raters have not been fair and have not done their Job well.  This is the part where we have to get vociferous for our Ratings. Significantly, question and probe the methodology and why it has ‘concept errors’ needing rectification.  The inherent judgement biases have to be highlighted and almost mocked publicly.

There is no doubt that when international ratings agencies are questioned and fires lit under their chairs, they will in future question some of the facile judgement calls that they have taken – for fear of questioning by competent professionals on the other side.  They will be forced to take a relook at their Ratings Manual and work practices.  Reputed and qualified names on our side of the Ratings Table can make an impact.  Intellectual for intellectual, work practices and procedures, view of the economy and India place and position and strength in the World economy, we must match eyeball to eyeball. 

However, this is not all.  As an Indian Rating agency, we must also study their method of ratings for our neighbours and countries like USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Australia.  In doing this, we highlight:

  1. Where a Risk is downplayed for the country – why has it been downplayed?  If India has a somewhat similar risk, why the difference in risk treatment between 2 countries;
  2. Do we believe that the developed countries are being given an easier pitch to bat on and the international ratings entity response is different for them than the developing economies, particularly India.  These need to be highlighted, questioned and frankly we should demand answers where we feel there is a Ratings treatment and judgement difference.

The harsh reality is that International Ratings agencies have gone totally wrong on country ratings with no one to question their methodology and their Ratings judgement.  This ‘keep quiet’ behaviour has to change.  

These Ratings agencies MUST BE held accountable for their ratings and their approach to the country ratings. India needs to understand that there are forces constantly wishing to put down our diverse country and always highlighting supposed weaknesses.  Our diversity in politics is always highlighted.  Don’t just respond to what they highlight for us.  Respond to their weaknesses by highlighting for others what may have missed or ignored or by tough questioning of the conclusions for India compared to the way the conclusion is arrived at for the other nations.  

International Rating agencies have to be called to question and confronted on their work done.  After all, they have not covered themselves in glory on country ratings.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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