Sidda launches fifth poll ‘guarantee’ with dig at PM Modi | India NewsWORLD NEWS

BENGALURU: Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah Tuesday launched registration for the Yuva Nidhi scheme under which unemployed graduates and diploma holders will get monthly cash assistance.
With this, the Congress is on the road to fulfilling all five “guarantees” it promised to the people ahead of the assembly elections. Siddaramaiah said besides providing monetary assistance, his government would also try to employ the youths, and added that all vacant posts in the government would be filled soon.

Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for saying the state would go bankrupt if the Congress implemented all its poll guarantees, the Karnataka CM said: “Is Modi an expert in economics? Our government has implemented all five guarantees, but still the state is financially very strong.

In 2014, Modi had promised 2 crore jobs every year. Has he fulfilled his promise? Modi is the biggest liar in the history of the country.”
Under Yuva Nidhi, applicants who did their graduation in 2023 and remained unemployed for six months will get Rs 3,000 per month for two years, while diploma holders will receive Rs 1,500 per month. If any beneficiary gets a job or starts his/her own business within two years, the assistance will stop. The government has plans to disburse the amount to the beneficiaries’ accounts from January 12.

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About 4.81 lakh graduates and 48,100 diploma holders graduated in the state in 2022-23. Eligible candidates can register on the Seva Sindhu portal and at Grama One, Karnataka One, Bengaluru One and Bapuji Seva kendras. The documents required for registration are SSLC and PU marks cards, ration card and employment registration card.

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