Samsung India CEO on AI in Galaxy S24 series: Innovation, Privacy, and User Empowerment |

Galaxy AI’s introduction has brought a stir in the smartphone space and with Galaxy S24 being the stepping stone of this new AI revolution, it is important to understand Samsung’s approach the entire AI implementations and how it is ensuring that the features are more focused towards providing users the best experience rather than ‘gimmicky’.
TOI Tech took this up with JB Park, President and CEO of Samsung India about the pivotal role of user feedback in steering the course of AI development.Park’s insights revealed Samsung’s commitment to a human-centric approach, harmonising on-device and cloud-based functionalities to create AI innovations that resonate with users while safeguarding their privacy.
Park confirmed, “Yes, we have on-device. And then we have a cloud base. The cloud base, which is partner-led, has great partners that help us to develop these AI features, analysing information based on users’ daily lifestyle patterns.” This collaborative endeavour underscores Samsung’s dedication to enriching the user experience through the amalgamation of in-house expertise and external insights.
Park also highlighted that with AI, privacy emerged as a central theme. “The important privacy that needs to be locked in without having been exposed to anybody, we try to put that into our on-device AI functionality.”
Here, Samsung positions itself as a guardian of user data, integrating privacy measures directly into on-device AI functions to ensure user trust remains unwavering.
He further went on to talk about the practical aspects of AI applications. “If you have a home appliance, like a malfunctioning TV, AI can help diagnose problems with the TV”. Samsung envisions AI as an ally, proactively identifying and addressing issues to enhance the seamless integration of technology into users’ lives.
Addressing common fears associated with AI, Park accentuates the positive impact, stating, “I think there are more positive ways that can save dollars, energy management systems.” This reframing of AI as a catalyst for positive change counters apprehensions, showcasing its potential to contribute to resource efficiency and cost savings.
“We strive to stay in the area that we got off… we partner with trusted partners that don’t provide those kinds of services for us.” This partnership-centric approach reinforces Samsung’s commitment to responsible AI use, aligning only with entities that share their ethos of prioritising user welfare and ethical AI practices.

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