Woke? Makes you choke

No one can make fun of anything or anyone anymore

In this woke world of ours where being correct and super sensitive to everyone’s feelings is the governing factor so many fun things have collapsed and withered on the vine. Remember when ashtrays were gifts to give and smoking was a ceremony and we blew smoke rings in each other’s faces. All gone, though thankfully. But then we had ethnic jokes and they were without malice and when the teller of the story was laughing about his kith and kin it was doubly funny and brought us closer.

Now, it could start a riot. Even religion was not spared as a subject of satire but no one stomped off. Now we are all afraid someone will be offended because we are so thin-skinned and ready to take slight, too many of us self-appointed guardians of our citadels of nothingness armed with righteous indignation. Humour has been the worst hit. You say something you think is funny and then someone feels insulted and all hell breaks loose. Next thing you know you are apologising for trying to make people laugh. Stand-up comics function in peril. Laugh with has deteriorated into laugh at.

There was body shaming, that delightfully cheerful social ice breaker. Walk into a party and it starts. Migoodness look at you, what have you done to yourself, you look ancient. Have you ballooned, wow let yourself go, huh? Concern wrapped in glee, so much fun. Now you cannot even give a lady a compliment because you are objectifying her and that could get you into hot water. Say hi Beautiful and you are in trouble.

Not so long ago you got whacked as a kid because you were a brat. Now it is all about understanding them and treating them as equals so if you smack your kid for being a pain in the butt you get the whole system falling upon you and they start checking the child for psychological scarring. Sanitising books and movies and dumping on authors as varied as Harper Lee and Enid Blyton for encouraging racial stereotypes, this whole cancel culture has become toxic. Our generation never got affected by any film. We rubbed the popcorn crumbs off our front and that was that.

I miss the healthy ribbing, the not-so-guarded poking of fun, all of which was an indicator of self-confidence. Now too many nervous Nellies are looking for a slight…waiting to say, how dare you. Everyone’s walking on eggshells and thin ice while also running scared they will be hauled up. Warm, happy irreverence is fading away, in its place…dull, boring correctness.



This article is intended to bring a smile to your face. Any connection to events and characters in real life is coincidental.


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