Max Healthcare Q3 PAT: Revenue Growth and Operational Improvement | India Newsworld news

NEW DELHI: Max Healthcare announced an increase of 14% in gross revenue at Rs 1,779 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2023, with the 15% jump in ARPOB Y-o-Y (year-on-year), which majorly contributed to the growth. Occupied Bed Days (OBD) were lower by 1% due to decline in admissions of patients, says a company statement. Profit after tax (PAT) for the quarter stood at Rs 338 crore as against Rs 269 crore from the year-ago period.
Network operating EBITDA stood at Rs 471 crore compared to Rs 419 crore in the corresponding quarter last year (Q3 FY23), reflecting a growth of 12% YoY.
Abhay Soi, chairman and managing director, Max Healthcare said: “We continue to witness positive trends on all parameters like ARPOB, EBITDA per bed, etc. even during this quarter, translating into revenue and profitability growth, despite expected softness in occupancies due to festive season. Further, our entry into central UP through acquisition of Sahara Hospital will strengthen our presence in Northern India and will act as a stepping stone in growing Max Healthcare’s presence in the region.”

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