Opposition coalition is becoming a go-alition, with everyone going their own separate ways

Two political pundits comparing notes on the pre-poll scenario as it unfolds.

1st Pundit: The Opposition combine that calls itself INDIA needs a reliable GPS navigational system to help it figure out in which direction it is going and in which direction it ought to be going.

2nd Pundit: What’s with all these directions?

1st Pundit: As a combined Opposition, INDIA should be going in the direction of opposing government. But its constituents are going in the opposite direction and are opposing each other.

2nd Pundit: I get it. No sooner were polls announced than TMC czarina Mamata said her party would go it alone in the state and that Rahul Gandhi had been ‘discourteous’ by not keeping her informed about the route that his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra would take while passing through Bengal.

1st Pundit: Rahul’s Bharat Jodo could become an INDIA Todo, at least in Bengal.

2nd Pundit: Meanwhile, Punjab’s AAP CM, Bhagwant Maan, has said his party would win all 13 of the state’s Lok Sabha seats on its ownsome lonesome.

1st Pundit: Which is tantamount to giving Congress an AAP-yours sign.

2nd Pundit: In Maharashtra too, Opposition seems bent on opposing itself rather than BJP, and in Bihar, Nitish’s merry-go-round has brought him back to Lotus fold.

1st Pundit: Which is why they all need a navigational system, to help them go in the same direction and not hither and yon.

2nd Pundit: Maybe the problem is not to do with direction but with definition.

1st Pundit: Definition?

2nd Pundit: Opposition defines itself as that which must oppose, even if what it opposes happens to be itself. An Opposition coalition is a contradiction in terms as it becomes a go-alition with its members having a go at each other and parting ways.

1st Pundit: How sad is that. In 1947 we saw Partition of India. In 2024 will we see Partition of INDIA…?



This article is intended to bring a smile to your face. Any connection to events and characters in real life is coincidental.


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