4 Natural Foods That Can Become Toxic When Refrigerated |WORLD NEWS

Technology has made life easier. From the microwave to the refrigerator, we have many gadgets in the kitchen that make life simpler. But, do you know that many times, these gadgets can also be the cause of illnesses and diseases? Yes, you read it right. Today, we will tell you how one gadget can make some of the most common food items toxic and unfit for human consumption.We are talking about refrigerators. The main purpose of refrigerating foods is to reduce heat from the food, lower its temperature, and preserve it for a longer duration. In an Instagram post, Dr. Dimple Jangda, an Ayurveda Gut Healthy Coach, has listed four natural foods that can turn toxic when refrigerated. In the caption of her post, she also mentioned the related research links that one can refer to with respect to each food item. Take a look at her post.

Here are those four food items that can turn toxic when refrigerated.
In the video, it is suggested not to buy peeled garlic and refrigerate it because it starts catching mold very quickly. And garlic mold has been linked with cancer. Always buy unpeeled garlic, peel it only before cooking, and keep it outside the refrigerator.

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Also Read:7 Foods you should never refrigerate
Onion is resistant to low temperatures. When you refrigerate it, the starch starts converting into sugar and starts catching mold. People often have this habit of cutting half an onion and storing the other half in a refrigerator. Never do that, because it starts catching all the unhealthy bacteria from the surroundings and catching mold. When someone is sick at home, we take a slice of onion and keep it in the corner of the room to collect all the unhealthful bacteria from the environment.

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It starts catching mold very quickly when you refreeze it, and that has been linked with kidney and liver failure. Do not refrigerate it. Ginger, as a herb is a very nutritious ingredient. It is said that eating ginger can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas. It is also rich in antioxidants.

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People have a habit of storing cooked rice in the fridge because it is resistant to starch, and they think it helps with cholesterol and blood sugar levels. But in reality, rice is one of the ingredients that catches mold the fastest, and if you are going to refrigerate it, not more than 24 hours. In her video caption, she had mentioned about National Health Service, UK on how reheated and refrigerated rice beyond 24 hours can cause food poisoning. The study mentions about keeping the rice in the fridge for not more than 1 day until reheated. It also mentions that when you reheat the rice, always check that it’s steaming hot all the way through. Also, one should not reheat rice more than once.

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