A film’s success is reflection on the conditioning and mindset of our society – the film can’t be blamed for that

I don’t recall the last time a film polarized opinion among all sections and strata of society like the recent blockbuster ‘Animal’ has.

While the audience has lapped it up with both hands, there is no dearth of people in the media, on social media, in social gatherings or even on public transports who are calling it the ‘epitome of toxic masculinity’, chauvinistic, regressive, and depraved. 

I have seen firsthand fiery exchanges between close friends, spouses, and even strangers on the dialogues and actions of Ranbir Kapoor in the film. Many have loved them, but they have also hit a raw nerve with many others.

There are many layers and nuances to this and as much as either side would like, a straightforward black and white verdict isn’t possible.

Difference between a fictional character and the people who bring him to screen

I guess before we even attempt to discuss any further it is imperative that we as a society, understand the difference between character being portrayed and the people behind it. 

In any film, the actors are playing a CHARACTER on screen which has been written by the writer(s) based on their imagination(s) and directed by the director based on his vision. The character actions don’t represent the actor, writer or director’s mindset as an individual. If that was the case probably there would have been public lynchings of writers behind iconic villains like Gabbar Singh (Sholay), Mogambo (Mr. India), Shakaal (Shaan) or Sir Juda (Karz). But that never happened in the eras gone by. But times are different today.

Since I am a bit of a writer myself, I face no issues in making that distinction. But for majority, including my own family and friends, the emotional involvement in a film (we Indians are emotional people) blurs that line between the character and people who brought it to life i.e. the actor, writer and director.

Who decides what is ‘toxic masculinity’? 

What is ‘toxic masculinity’ and what is ‘effeminate’ behavior and who decides that? I have been staying in Singapore for the last 15 years and have had friendships and interactions with people from dozens of countries. In one neighboring country of India, it is not uncommon for a husband/boyfriend to walk meekly behind is wife/girlfriend carrying her expensive Louis Vuitton bag for her.  At the same time, inside another neighbor of ours, the man of the house, even in upper middle-class setups, considers the women in the family as his ‘property’ and mercilessly crushes their individual will be it wanting to study further or not wanting to get married.

If you ask people in either of these countries, they see nothing wrong with what happens in their respective homelands as that is the conditioning they have grown up with. They would fiercely debate with you in defense of that till cows come home.

Talking about India, don’t we live with a dichotomies of honor killings of girls at one end of the spectrum to millions of parents sacrificing their all to make their daughters cricketers, astronauts, and doctors at the other end?

Even in Bollywood, for every ‘Kabir Singh’ (again directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga) there is a ‘Thappad’ (directed by Anubhav Sinha). Trust me when I say this but even for ‘Thappad’, thousands if not millions of men in India couldn’t understand the fuss over one accidental slap given in anger by a husband to his wife.

Repressed sentiments and SRK

Growing up in the 90s in India, I ran across my fair share of people across the economic spectrum (from well-heeled corporate executives to businessmen to rickshaw pullers) who couldn’t identify with chivalry and charm Shah Rukh Khan displayed on screen (and off it as well). For them a real hero (and a real man by extension) was somebody like the character Sunny Deol portrayed on screen – tough, macho, at times foul-mouthed. But the characters played by Shah Rukh Khan which deeply respected women, never raised their voice or hands, won them over with wit and love, and could laugh at themselves, weren’t something they could identify with.  But since most folks around them were blown away by SRK’s ‘new age’ personality, they chose to keep their feelings to themselves. 

However, the world has undergone a major sentiment shift in the last decade where ‘strongmen’ and ‘alpha male’ are fashionable again. Think of ‘strongmen’ leaders round the world – Putin in Russia, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Duterte in Philippines etc.. Virat Kohli in cricket is another example. ‘Nice guys’ just aren’t in anymore.

As a result, many now don’t feel the pressure to suppress their true feelings about their supposed ‘machoism’ and ‘alphaness’. It is a bit like how Donald Trump won elections by tapping into the deep-seated white superiority complex and racism in the Americans which they had hidden away during the reign of a Black President as it was not ‘cool’ to wear that badge in public.


There is a cliched line which states ‘Cinema made in any era is a reflection of those times. That’s true – filmmakers make films that mostly showcase the current time. For example, in the 70s when there was a lot of anger in the common man due to lack of economic prospects and widespread corruption, filmmakers gave birth to the ‘angry young man’ essayed brilliantly by the iconic Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. 

But I would like to add to that by saying that ‘A film’s success or failure after being made is also a reflection of society’s current mindset’. That’s why ‘Kabir Singh’ and ‘Animal’ were blockbuster hits while a ‘Thappad’ did lukewarm business.

In conclusion, the key question to ask here is – are films like ‘Animal’ causing depravity to the society or is an already depraved society leading to the production and success of films like this. Which is the cause, and which is the effect here?

My two cents – let’s not blame the films or their makers – the fault, if any, lies with our conditioning. And to add fuel to fire, now most men don’t feel the pressure to hide or suppress that conditioning anymore. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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