A need to re-think human rationality

For thousands of years, philosophers have made claims about the uniqueness of human rationality. As Yong et al noted in 2020, “For sizable portions of humanity’s intellectual history, it has been assumed that humans are the rational animal—a view that was trumpeted perhaps most notably by Aristotle, who claimed that “man alone of the animals has reason”.

This assumption became more acute during the Enlightenment, with a belief in the human ability to overcome ignorance through conscious scientific and intellectual effort. Some of this led to a belief almost in human omniscience which underpins socialism – a system of centralised planning for the alleged greater welfare of the people. 

Most economists believe in the dominance of rationality. This assumption has enormous predictive power and so it is not something we want to change. Predictions from economics apply mainly to market or price-related behaviour, but much of other human behaviour also fits this characterisation.

Rationality is a kind of tautology, which makes it a valid characterisation for all animals. Its main features include:

  • A largely accurate assessment of reality (forming beliefs that are largely true, to the extent the costs of doing so are reasonable; this includes rational ignorance where the cost of collecting information is too high). We know a belief is largely accurate when multiple independent observers arrive at the same answer.
  • Self-interest as a driver of action (including interest in one’s own family and survival); this includes opportunism (i.e. opportunistically maximising one’s self-interest).
  • Reasoning before action. This includes some planning, but most importantly a sense of proportion in one’s actions, i.e not over-doing something.

The fact that an animal has survived in the evolutionary chain is because its actions must have been rational at some level, whether consciously or instinctively. Rationality of the kind mentioned above need not be conscious. Thus, if something is too hard to achieve, an animal will stop that attempt. For instance, if a prey is too fast or otherwise difficult to catch, a cheetah will stop the hunt. That’s a rational decision, regardless of whether it is made by the limbic brain or the neocortex.

To the extent humans have survived and blossomed as a species, they are fundamentally rational. However, a bustling literature that is largely on the fringe of economics talks about systematic human biases. But it is extremely hard to reproduce these claims. Further, such claims have little actionable content. Behavioural economics (which derives its findings from these biases) claims that economists should “nudge” society in a particular direction, but this assumes that economists are somehow free of bias and that their recommendations about what people should be doing, have sufficient merit to be forced on the entire society. That is entering into dangerous territory, which economics should avoid. Overall, such “biases” barely make a dent on the fabric of rationality, therefore economics is on solid grounds to continue to use the rationality assumption for most things.

However, there are some characteristics of the human species which can make us undertake some rather severely irrational actions. Abnormal psychology is primarily a human issue, although animals do feel anxiety. There are many of books on dog anxiety – but dog anxiety has “rational” reasons, that typically include some form of mistreatment or poor handing by their owners. With love and care, dogs typically return to normal. For humans this return to normalcy takes longer because humans are not necessarily being mistreated by others: they have a fertile imagination and can imagine things that might or might not exist. Imagination is a feature unique to humans: a wild and often uncontrolled imagination. Therefore, only humans are susceptible to panic, i.e. sustained anxiety – typically for things that exist purely inside their own head. To that extent, humans are the least rational of animals, vulnerable to weird behaviours. This is particularly so in relation to the fear of death (what I call the Death Singularity), which is probably something only humans experience. 

In other words, while the fear response in other animals is extremely limited in scope and comes to an end once its causes are removed, the human fear response is almost unlimited in scope. While “biases” are rather trivial in terms of their overall impact on society, the fear-panic proclivity of humans is non-trivial and can significantly disrupt human welfare through mass-panics. 

The field of abnormal psychology focuses on isolated cases of irrational, self-harming behaviour. But the roots of mass-panic are the same: these relate to the structure and form of the human brain. History is replete with examples of mass panics and hysterias based on imaginary dangers. Most such hysterias pass fairly quickly, thus any harm caused is relatively temporary. But some hysterias are more pernicious and of much longer duration. Most of these pernicious hysterias occur around so-called “pandemics”, where the fear of death is activated. The worst of all these hysterias was the covid panic which I have dubbed the Great Hysteria.

The assumption of rationality has no predictive power to explain panics like the Great Hysteria. In such a situation, the limbic brain does not allow any data to be considered that might contradict the (false) belief that has been formed. This shutting down of the cerebrum is also happening as we speak, today, with almost all economists and doctors refusing to reassess their fear response to covid. Two hundred and sixty five Australian economists went into meltdown in early 2020 and wrote a letter in which they specifically abjured the concept of trade-offs: “Some commentators have expressed the view there is a trade-off between the public health and economic aspects of the crisis. We, as economists, believe this is a false distinction”. Through this single statement, these “economists” gave up their right to be called economists, since there is no separation between “public health” and the “economy”. Health (of all kinds) is a part of an economy. Health does not come free, it has costs. By shutting down the economy, huge costs are imposed on health. The reason these “economists” forgot this basic fact is that they went into panic.

Typically, economists are able to remain objective when someone else is dying. They are good at assessing the statistical value to society of someone else’s life. But when their own life is at stake – for instance, during covid – their rationality can disappear. Many of them made the same blunder they accuse others of making – they put a close-to-infinite value on their own life. 

To understand this kind of behaviour is crucially important. Denying such behaviour (as many people continue to do) is counter-productive, leaving us exposed to dangerous over-reactions in the future. Studying the biology and prevalence of the Death Singularity and associated mass-panic is important because all of us are susceptible to it. 

My studies to date have confirmed that humans are unique among animals, but not for their rationality. Instead, they are unique for their wild imagination (and creativity) and capacity for mass panic. Given the Great Hysteria and hundreds of other mass hysterias recorded in human history, we need to re-think the concept of human rationality.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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