An Instagram-themed destination wedding

I made it finally! Yes, it is true that I managed to attend a “Destination Wedding”. Being close on the heels of the Republic Day, I was feeling so elated as if my name has figured in the Padma Awards’ list. Though I am a well-retired, senior citizen; I promptly updated my CV to include this milestone. Now I am contended because I know that when on that fateful day my biography is read, people will realize that this oldie was not a plebeian: he was not only invited but did actually attend a destination wedding in one of the original, blue-blood provinces of the country. 

Very soon I realized that enjoying a destination wedding was actually a state of mind, which unshackles a person from his self-imposed boundaries, particularly those related to that dimension called `time’. 3-4 hours delay in each event established this fact firmly but still being a commoner at heart, I continue to wonder about the need for that elaborate programme sheet placed in every room. I did not know that there was a greater purpose behind this seemingly innocuous act.

Besides justifying the wedding planners, the programme sheet provided us with some reference points to start with. With mornings turning in to late afternoons and one day folding in to other indiscernibly, guests attained that longed-for nirvana where everything is pure bliss. That the teas went higher because the lunches themselves displaced high teas was a small price to pay for attaining this level of enlightenment. And here were a couple of old-fashioned ones like me who even after allowing for a solid-two hours delay found that they were the only ones at the venue at those late hours. The chairs, crockery, and cutlery got totally drenched in the midnight dew in the beautifully decorated open lawns; well, you win some, you lose some. 

But the occasion also reminded me as to how out of sync I am with the fast-changing world around me: forget about donning the right colour, I did not even know that Mehndi and Haldi ceremonies require one to dress in hues of green and yellow respectively. So, there I was, sticking like a sore thumb in my red-coloured kurta in a sea of yellows. Haldi ceremony took place at the pool-side on this very cold afternoon. After what appeared to be an unending happening, while I was about to take a sigh of relief, I heard a loud splashing sound over and above the combined din of undecipherable music and dhols. Lo and behold, groom and bride were ceremoniously dumped in to the pool. I thought that they will quickly come out of those icy waters. But then that eternal truth of the modern times dawned upon me: the whole wedding was planned around a series of Instagram posts and this unfolding scene was a part of that well-choreographed drama. Thus, instead of coming out of the pool, the couple started gyrating on those dhol notes with numerous photo/video-shoots from all the possible (and at times, impossible) angles. I guessed one reason could also be that they were trying to camouflage their shivering and teeth-chattering. But picture was `abhi baaki’ because it was the turn of the friend circle to follow the suit, rather to wet their well-coordinated dresses and coiffured looks. Once again, it was the time for a `High’ lunch! But reels and posts were ready to go, as planned!! 



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