For sustainable development, go for Neohumanism

By Acharya Divyachetanananda Avadhuta

We all strive for all-round development in every sphere of life. And the path of development may be physical, psychic, or spiritual. We also want happiness in our lives. This panoramic world is limited and, hence, when we run after material pleasures, name and fame, one day realisation dawns that limited material pleasures cannot quench our unlimited thirst.

Mental development, in other words, broadening our mental pabulum, is only possible through spiritual practices, such as meditation. According to Shri Anandamurti, one has to move subjectively through objective adjustment. We cannot ignore this material world and, hence, should strive for scientific innovations to make life comfortable, and the fruit of scientific development should permeate to all. We need to build a society where everybody gets ample opportunity to develop oneself in all strata of existence – physical, mental and spiritual and also balance these three strata.

In this journey, morality will be the base; sadhana, meditation, the means; and life divine, the goal. ‘Moral principles’ means practice of yam and niyam in everyday life. Spirituality is not a utopian idea. It can be practised in day-to-day life but needs sincerity.

We have to develop a social order wherein basic necessities of life – food, clothing, shelter, education and medicine are guaranteed to every one. We need to follow Bhagavat Dharma, which has four pillars – vistar, expansion; rasa, flow; seva, self-less service; and tadstiti, Self-realisation. This world is a thought projection of Cosmic Entity and all are progeny of Supreme Father.

As a guardian of creation, we have an extra responsibility to take care of plant and animal kingdoms. So, we must plan in such a way that our development becomes sustainable in nature. When our love transcends boundaries of humanism and includes all animate and inanimate objects, we land in the world of Neohumanism. Neohumanism is elixir for sustainable development of humanity in all strata of existence – physical, mental and spiritual. According to Anandamurtiji, Neohumanism is humanism of past, humanism of present, and humanism – newly explained – of future. Explaining humanity and humanism in a new light will widen the path of human progress and will make it easier to tread.

Neohumanism will help us realise that we humans, as thoughtful and intelligent beings in this created universe, have to accept greater responsibility of taking care of universe, responsibility for entire universe rests on us.

Spirituality is an internal journey devoid of all types of narrow sentiments like geo-sentiment, socio-sentiment, and religious sentiments. For spiritualists, only ‘ism’ is universalism. Everything in this world is an expression of Supreme Father. Our journey is from crude to subtle and in this blissful journey every one of us has equal birthright. Endeavour to merge the unit mind with cosmic mind is true yog. Yog is for our all-round development and, hence, should be practised with utmost sincerity. It is our moral responsibility to bring society on the path of spirituality so that a feeling of love for all can be generated in each one of us.



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