The week that was in international affairs

We are back with another edition of the top picks from international news over the previous week. From the Middle East to the Philippines, strategic undercurrents are shifting fast and here’s how we keep track of them:


Ukraine, hiccups and a win:  The biggest buzz from Ukraine last week were reports that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had decided to replace army chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Reports of disagreements between the two have been swirling for weeks. But this time around, there seemed to be more bite to the gossip. However, Ukrainian officials are being tight-lipped about the matter, and Zaluzhnyi remains in office as of writing this. He has attained much popularity among Ukrainians – both troops and civilians – over the course of the war, and therefore the unconfirmed reports about his impending ouster have been received with disbelief and even anger. But there are some who also point out that a change in military leadership may indeed be required. After all, Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive last year and complications with continued US funding this year mean that Kyiv needs to reboot its war strategy. Plus, Zelenskyy as President has overall command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and it is within his remit to change Generals. But one hopes that if Zaluzhnyi is indeed replaced, the process is smooth and shorn of any speculations that Zelenskyy is removing a popular General for his own political future.

Positively, however, Ukraine scored a big win last week with EU approving a $54 billion aid package that will run for four years. This was desperately needed, especially given the wrangling over a similar aid package stuck in the US Congress. That all 27 EU members agreed to the additional funding for Ukraine is significant. Hungary was a holdout in December when the matter was considered. But it went along this time, sending a message of European unity to Russia. Kyiv will breathe easy now.

Gaza War spillover: In dangerous signs that the Israel-Hamas war has created unpredictable repercussions for the whole of Middle East, the US carried out massive strikes on more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria last week. They were in retaliation for the killing of three US servicemen at a Jordan base a week earlier which was blamed on Iran-backed militias. The US has vowed to carry out more bombings against any and all targets that threaten US personnel in the region. However, these are all symptoms of the Israel-Hamas war. Iran-backed militias attacking US personnel or disrupting shipping in the Red Sea have a single-point agenda – stop the war in Gaza. But the US has simply not done enough to rein in Tel Aviv’s bombing campaign there.

And it won’t be a stretch to say that Washington has political calculations in mind during an election year – the Biden administration is wary of upsetting the American Jewish lobby. But if the US allows Israel to continue its bombing of Gaza which is mostly killing innocent civilians, then the US will continue to face attacks from Iran-backed militias in the region whom it cannot take out in one go. This in turn could lead to catastrophic mistakes, sparking off a direct war between Iran and the US. Washington, therefore, would do well to get Tel Aviv to agree to a ceasefire instead of risking its own military personnel in the region.

Pakistan’s Imran’s woes: Just days ahead of elections in Pakistan, the country’s former PM Imran Khan was convicted in three separate cases last week. These include the cipher case (leaking state secrets), toshakhana case (illegally acquiring state gifts) and the iddat case (illegal marriage). This effectively puts Imran out of commission in Pakistan’s political landscape for the foreseeable future. The Pakistani military, as per its new ‘Hybrid regime’ model, has practically chosen the next Pakistani PM in Nawaz Sharif. Imran alleges he is victim of a global conspiracy. But the reality is he had started viewing himself as bigger than the only institution that matters in Pakistan – the army. His tendency to push back against the army on appointments and foreign policy direction ultimately led to his downfall. In Pakistan’s cursed democracy, Imran Khan joins the list of PMs who found out the hard way that politicians are expendable but the Pakistani deep state – military-ISI complex – will endure.

Maldives impeachment: Opposition parliamentarians in the Maldives threatened to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Mohamed Muizzu after clashes broke out in that country’s Parliament. The opposition has accused Muizzu of being biased against India and pro-China. In fact, a Chinese ship – suspected of being a spy ship – has been given permission by Muizzu’s administration to dock in the Maldives. Meanwhile, Muizzu remains adamant that the small contingent of Indian troops in the archipelago nation – stationed to carry out rescue and relief operations — must leave. But if the Maldives is caught in a larger strategic tussle between India and China, it would be problematic for Male itself. India, by dint of geography, will always remain a first responder for the Maldives. Plus, as experience with Chinese debt in other countries has shown, Chinese money for infra projects is never strings-free. Muizzu is barking up the wrong tree here.

Philippine tangle:  Trouble appears to be brewing for Filipino President Marcos as his relationship with his political ally, former president Rodrigo Duterte, looked to crumble last week. Each accused the other of being a “drug addict”, but the real reason is likely more mundane – political power. Duterte’s daughter, Sara Duterte, is Marcos’s vice-president and Duterte senior wants her to be the next president. Which is why he is critical of Marcos’s plans to amend the country’s Constitution – Marcos says he wants to do that to bring more investments into the country. The other point of friction is that Marcos has taken a pro-US position in his foreign policy as opposed to the pro-China tilt Duterte had when he was in office. Therefore, expect more US-China shadow boxing to show up in Philippine politics.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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