Monetary policy demystified interest rate trajectory

As expected, the repo rate has been kept intact at 6.5 percent for close to a year with the status quo in the current monetary policy review. Its stance remains focused on withdrawing accommodation to ensure that inflation progressively aligns with the target while supporting growth. RBI is resolute about its target to bring down CPI inflation to 4 percent on a perpetual basis before policy rates could expect to descend. According to RBI the front-loaded 250 basis point rise in repo rate beginning May 4, 2022, is still working to further douse the inflation to the 4 percent mark. The unexpected swings in food and fuel prices could destabilize inflation-growth dynamics raising the upside risks to inflation.

Looking at the external risks and supply-side factors, recurring food price shocks, RBI is apprehensive that it could interrupt the ongoing disinflation process. As such, the CPI inflation is projected at 5.4 percent for the current fiscal FY24. The expected break-up of the inflation trajectory is Q4 at 5.0 percent. Assuming a normal monsoon next year, CPI inflation for 2024- 25 is projected at 4.5 percent with Q1 at 5.0 percent; Q2 at 4.0 percent; Q3 at 4.6 percent; and Q4 at 4.7 percent. Similarly, amid the evolving macroeconomic factors, RBI projected the real GDP growth at 7.3 percent for 2023-24, marking the third successive year of growth above 7 percent. The real GDP for 2024-25 is estimated at 7.0 percent with its quarterly breakup: Q1 at 7.2 percent; Q2 at 6.8 percent; Q3 at 7.0 percent; and Q4 at 6.9 percent. The risks are evenly balanced.

Growth prospects:

In the backdrop of good growth in FY24 so far, the economy is poised to grow well during FY25 and beyond. Some of the signs of growth could be pointers to it. The index of industrial production (IIP) for manufacturing posted a growth of 5.6 percent during October-November, while core industries recorded a robust growth of 7.8 percent during Q3. The early results of 494 listed manufacturing companies suggest GVA in nominal terms to expand by 15.4 percent y-o-y driven by an increase in gross profits by 16.8 percent.

PMI manufacturing increased to 56.5 in January from 54.9 in December and remained above the long-run trend. Business expectations, measured by the future activity index over 12 months, strengthened to a 13-month high in January, boosted by increased new product diversification, and robust demand. The PMI services sector increased to 61.8 in January 2024 from 59.0 in December 2023, with the rate of expansion picking up to a six-month high. The central government’s capital expenditure recorded a growth of 37.5 percent in April-December 2023, on top of 25.1 percent growth during the same period last year. Steel consumption rose 14.5 percent, while cement production increased by 4.5 percent during Q3. Capital expenditure earmarked in the Interim budget for 2024-25 is Rs. 11.1 trillion working out to 3.4 percent of GDP, an increase of 16.9 percent over Rs. 9.5 trillion in the revised estimate of FY24.

The capacity utilization (CU) also increased by 40 bps to 74.0 percent in Q2 of FY24. The seasonally adjusted CU, however, declined by 90 bps which stands at 74.5 percent in Q2 of FY24. In this kind of positive trajectory of growth, despite the headwinds of spillover risks from the external sector, geopolitical risks, geoeconomic risks, and supply-side impediments threatening crude prices, the domestic economy is building up the immense potential to grow at over 7 percent.

Transparent policy of RBI:

RBI has been resolute in its objective to provide the necessary bedrock for pursuing sustainable low inflation at 4 percent. The RBI projections of inflation itself are indicative of the fact that it may not be able to touch the 4 percent mark before Q2 of FY25. The current elevated interest rates should therefore persist for another 2-3 quarters. Taking a cue from the transparency and clarity in the approach of the central bank, the commercial sector has to plan its fiscal management accordingly. The weighted average lending rate (WALR) on fresh rupee loans increased by 181 basis points (bps) while that on outstanding loans rose by 113 bps during the current tightening cycle (May 2022 – December 2023). During the same period, the weighted average domestic term deposit rates (WADTDR) on fresh deposits and outstanding deposits rose by 246 basis points and 180 bps, respectively. Hence, banks have to ensure full transmission of interest rate hikes of 250 basis points. As far as the liquidity conditions are concerned, the system-level liquidity deficit widened from an average of Rs. 0.42 lakh crore during September-November 2023 to Rs. 1.61 lakh crore during December-January. Between December 15, 2023 – January 31, 2024, nine fine-tuning variable rate repo (VRR) operations of 1-7 days maturity were conducted amounting to Rs. 7.75 lakh crore, while two main VRR operations injected Rs. 4.25 lakh crore into the system. Due continuing stance of the policy infusion and absorption of liquidity will be continued to balance it to ensure that WACR remains close to repo rates.

Role of banks:

Now that all the stakeholders have reasonable clarity on how interest rates, liquidity conditions, inflation, and growth rates will work in the next six to nine months, they need to strategize their business growth accordingly. With growth increasing prospects, the demand for credit will increase. As a result, the bank credit grew at 16.1 percent as of January 26, 2024, while the deposit growth trailed behind at 12.5 percent year on year.

With the lingering liquidity deficit in the banking system and WACRs hovering beyond the repo rate, banks have to innovate methods to increase resource inflows. As of January 12, 2024, the total flow of resources to the commercial sector from banks and other sources was at Rs. 23.6 trillion during the current financial year is higher than Rs. 19.8 trillion recorded during the previous year.

The businesses, market players, investors, and banks can be now certain about the linkage between interest rates and inflation. The riddle of policy rates demystified by RBI for the near term, the stakeholders will find it easier to manage interest rate risks. Banks should explore alternate sources of funding to meet the surge in demand for credit which can unleash the potentiality of growth. Thus, the clarity in the vision of RBI paves a better way for market players.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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