Bye bye evil eye

Kids no longer burn chillies to scare you away

So the other day someone praised my kids and I reverted to childhood and said better remove the evil eye (nazar) with seven chillies and burn them. I recall how we would stand around in suspense as the chillies burnt…the more stinky and sharp the smoke the more it doomed the evil eye. No one does that anymore. There used to be so many little acts to ward off bad luck that would make the new gen over with mirth. Imagine telling my grandchildren they can’t wash their hair on Saturday or have a haircut on Tuesdays. No logic, just bans handed down the ages. These kids would say Tuesday schmoozday, give me shampoo.

Like if you were leaving home and someone sneezed you had to come back, sit in a chair and have a spoonful of sugar with yogurt before you could leave again. No one ever told you why this was mandated, you just did it or else you were flinging temptation to the fates.And if you were travelling, they would put a glass of water at the front door as you trotted off and you never knew why except that it would protect you from bad luck. By the same token you never called out to someone when they were leaving because that meant their mission would be in jeopardy. A spinoff from this is the ‘no backtracking’ exercise. We still follow it. Leave home for airport, discover a mile down the road you have forgotten your mobile charger but ingrained habit forbids you from going back. So, you stop car in another street, call home on your mobile, ask someone to bring it to car, phew, disaster averted.

Breaking a mirror was bad news but breaking a glass was exactly the opposite. As the shards were picked up everyone told the apologetic offender not to worry, it is a sign of good luck, even though it was expensive crystal cut glass and has ruined the set of six. Grandmothers would warn against going out in an eclipse and expectant mothers were kept in the room till it was over. To be caught sweeping with a broom at night was a gilt-edged invitation to peril.

Animals had a role. Black cats meant oops don’t cross that path, lizards falling on your head was either lucky or unlucky, an owl hooting meant baaad scene and a dog howling even worse. But a crow cawing meant guests were coming. Much of this is passé now but if there is some residue the lemon and green chilli defence always worked. Just hang it on the door. Touch wood.



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