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Critical minerals race is on. India must work with US-led group to secure these strategic resources

It’s good that GOI is looking to press the accelerator on securing supply chains in critical minerals. Critical mineral block proposals received by partner countries in the US-led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) will be checked out by PSUs, a first step to their acquiring critical mineral assets abroad.

Critical alliance | India joined MSP in June last year during Modi’s US visit. The 13-country group wants to jumpstart public and private investments in critical mineral supply chains globally. That’s code for working together to explore, extract and process stuff like lithium, cobalt and graphite. These power industries of today and tomorrow – everything from mobile phones and EVs to semiconductors and aerospace need them.

China all the way | What adds to complications in acquiring critical minerals is their uneven concentration. Few countries have the high tech needed to extract and process them. China produces 60% of the world’s rare earth elements. 69% of cobalt is mined in DR Congo, but China processes 65% of global supply. Australia is lithium king with 52% of global output, but China processes58% of this critical mineral needed for batteries. Get the drift?

Strategic scramble | So the global minerals race is on. Given Chinese domination, West wants to secure supplies and friend-shore extraction and processing. With India also locked in a strategic tussle with China, teaming up with MSP partners made sense.

Indian gains | India has massive geological potential for critical minerals. But this remains largely unproven. And current dependence on China is problematic. So the way out is to collaborate with high-tech MSP players like US, Japan, Korea, Australia, etc, secure overseas assets and encourage Indian private players to get into the game – they face too many restrictions. PSUs and private companies must work together to get their hands on as much of critical minerals as they can.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.


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