Refresh or Refreshing?

Gather here all you tech-loving and tech-averse people, the Gen A to Z, people of all genders and belief systems.

It’s time to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 

But how? 

Cupid now prefers a smartphone and Wi-Fi connection to his traditional bow and arrow!

From evolution- to caves- to the digital landscape peppered by AI, humans have always adapted well. Today, thanks to technology, it is a world of rapid connections where long-lost cousins, friends, old flames are found, and connections may be revived. It is a world where we can find our tribe or our people, wherever we are! 

It is also a world where the act of clicking the ‘like’ button for a post, particularly from people we know, such as friends, can be seen as a way of connection. Furthermore, it is a world where checking someone’s status/photo regularly is regarded as bonding. It is also a time when emojis have become the new emotions, and GIFs are new jokes and codewords. We have arrived at the junction of our digital and real-world connections.

This raises a thoughtful question: in the present world where chatting has become an instant league of replies, are we handing over the gift of thoughtful conversations to oblivion? We’re beginning to swap more and more for those quick and largely impersonal texts, because who has time anyway?

Once upon a time, nurturing relationships used to be about heartfelt conversations.

Oh, the nostalgia!

Welcome to the era of Digital Relationship Management today.

Let’s do some analysis: when was the last time you had a meaningful conversation that didn’t involve emojis, GIFs, and the occasional LOL?

When was the last time you talked to someone in person without looking at your mobile?

The truth is here. In bytes. 

We are living in a pixel age where social media stories and online status have conquered our hearts, making us latch onto our screens for hours. 

At times, one feels compelled to question authenticity. Is the social media post real, or is it a thoughtfully crafted fake? Is it reality or illusion? Are we befriending the person or their digital character? We say we know a person but do we really know them? Or attempt to get to know them between swipes, likes, emojis, GIFs and forwards?

However, we have to adapt to the altering times, don’t we?

In this age where emotions are portrayed by pixels, the sound of a human voice and presence has something special about them because it’s getting rarer day by day. Digital relationships have brought together people and divided them at the same time.

The real laughter that can be had in person or at least over a phone or video call is like a breath of fresh air. The degree of intimacy of sitting with someone and talking is so special, provided there is no distraction in the form of mobile phones. Magical moments are cemented sometimes through eye contact, laughing at jokes together, and at times letting voices crack with emotions that emojis can’t match. Because of time and distance, it is not easy all the time, but how often we can do it is important. Spontaneity, pauses, shared silences, unscripted moments or those eye gleams cannot be understood completely without a better understanding of people. They also give an insight into the prioritization of people in our busy lives. 

It’s a brave new world, indeed. In the digital world, relationships mean… well, it’s complicated! 

We’re increasingly perfecting the art of facade. The online persona bears little resemblance to our everyday, pyjama-wearing selves. Every occasion and every celebration must be social media-worthy because, let’s face it, if you didn’t post it on social media, did it even happen? 

Are you even in love if you don’t show it to the world? If you didn’t post it on social media, did it even happen?

But let’s not be too cynical.

There is an additional opportunity to find some genuine connections too in this maze

The ‘Like’ button may also be a digital hug to acknowledge, “I see you.” 

Behind the screen lies a real person. The one with emotions and experiences. Beneath the sea of selfies and profiles, we may discover authentic conversations and real beings. The digital world can be pivotal in introducing us to people, but it’s the real world that has the power to cement those connections. The human touch, the warm smile, or the sound of laughter. 

The beauty of authentic, in-person connections can never be replaced. There is more to life than swiping east, west, north and south. It is about crafting meaningful relationships in this brave new world. The key is to cut through the digital noise to find the digital buds, the ones that can bloom. Or better still, the ones that can appreciate both our memes and philosophies. The best relationships are those that make us feel alive, even in the virtual world.

Digital communication is a powerful tool, but it should complement, not replace, genuine human interaction. 

This Valentine’s Day and every day, let’s take a moment to appreciate the people who’ve been with us through the pixelated highs and lows, the ones who’ve witnessed our evolution, online and offline.

Let’s embrace the digital balancing act.

Let’s cherish genuine connections.

Let’s value authenticity.

If tech be the food of love, scroll on! 

May our stories be written in both code and connection, the one that transcends the screen. So fellow digital wanderers, this Valentine’s Day, I pray that our Wi-Fi signal is strong, and heart emojis in abundance. 

May we hit more refreshing zones than refresh in our relationships. 

Are you done with your scrolling, Cupid? Get back to work, please! 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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