Happy Birthday

It is my birthday today. 

I have spent 58 glorious years on this earth. Mostly in one city only. 

58 somehow seems very important number. I waited all day long for someone to approach me for an interview over my experiences in life so far. I can count so many people who did not survive that long, but still were interviewed about life.

I don’t believe in numbers, but it seems 5 and 8 add up to 13, considered unlucky by many. May be all the interviewers thought so and did not come to me.

But why waste life even at 58? So I decided to interview myself on my birthday and publish the same here. So dear friends, here is my own interview conducted by myself. 

Interviewer Me (IM) and Answering Me (AM).

IM: So it is your birthday today, what would you like to say about that?

AM: I will take that as birthday wishes, so thanks. For the last 58 years, I have been trying to figure out what is my role in my birth. I was never consulted about my choice of parents or place or country. And as my parents also told me, even they were not consulted what kind of child they wanted. There were so many instances in life when I thought I could have better parents and my parents thought they could have a better child. Those were the days when parents of friends seemed extra nice. And to my parents, every friend of mine seemed better behaved than me. Still, we managed to do good in social terms. But then, maybe I would have loved to be born in Europe. 

IM: Oh I am sorry for not wishing you to begin with. Happy birthday sir.

AM: Oh thanks buddy. Everyone who knows me, wishes me a very happy birthday. And I dutifully thank them. But I keep on thinking, why about rest of 364 days of every year of my life? Why don’t people wish me happiness on these days? For the rest of the days, I have to be happy on my own. 

IM: How do you see the 58 years spent on earth?

AM: Many initial years of life were spent on body building. Mother would want me to eat everything in quantities much beyond my capacity, butter and all. She wanted me to grow tall and be strong. Later on, I understood, she wanted me to be strong because for many years, I had to carry a school bag which was heavier than me. And the government made sure I did no grow tall by weighing me down with such a heavy school bag. Many more years were consumed by marriage. Wives come with such high hopes from husbands, it is almost impossible to pass the test. Decades went into raising the kids and settling them. It is now, after 58 years, that I have started to think about myself. Maybe now I can decide what to do with the rest of my life.

IM: Any suggestion for our readers?

AM: Don’t wait for your birthday to have a happy day. Make sure every day of your life is as happy as can be. And request to God – please give the parents and kids a choice.



This article is intended to bring a smile to your face. Any connection to events and characters in real life is coincidental.


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