Reflections on fence-sitters

As per Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of ‘fence-sitter’ is ‘someone who supports both sides in a disagreement because they cannot make a decision or do not want to annoy or offend either side ’. In our country, fence-sitters are found in abundance in all walks of life. Mind you, they aren’t just indecisive and chicken- hearted; they vitiate the environment they exist in. In my opinion, these people are most harmful to the societal co-existence and organic development of the country.

The prominent fields where such creatures are lavishly found are: politics , govt offices, corporate board-rooms, educational institutions , defence forces..… in fact, anywhere and everywhere. Such species seem harmless but lack moral courage, ethics & leadership. They unethically create an environment full of uncertainties, which is detrimental to a vibrant and efficient space. They genuinely erode value systems & represent an ugly face of opportunism. Once they are certain of being benefitted, they cross the fence without blinking an eyelid and mind you, without an iota of guilt or remorse.

India is a country which has a foundation based on ethical systems and value-based principles. ‘Raghukul Reet Sada Chali Ayee,Pran Jaye Par Vachan Na Jayee’ resonates inside us, sacrifices of Chaar Sahibzade has been eternally etched in our conscious; valour of Chatrapati Shivaji inspire us , tales of Ashoka the Great, Prithviraj Chauhan , Maharana Pratap fill us with pride & humility. We are governed by intangible seven principles of ethics such as integrity, compassion, fairness, respect, courage, wisdom & responsibility. But the fence-sitters falter in every aspect of such ethical values.

Indian culture has been pivoted on values & teachings of Veda & holy scriptures. Each one of them highlight filial piety (love, respect for parents/ elders), holism ( intimate interconnection), spirituality, value system ( tyaga, dana, nishtha, satya, ahimsa, upeksha (patience and empathy), justice and dignity which corresponds to absolutistic and spiritualistic. Fence-sitters turn a blind eye to all the teachings and just negate their importance in a bid to get materialistic favours & fulfill inflated egos.

It’s our collective responsibility to preserve values & ethics handed over to us as legacy by our ancestors. In no instance should fence-sitters be used by any of us for our short-term vested gains and corrupt our societal fabric.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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