Types of Manglik Dosha – Anshik, Saatvik, and Chandra Manglik Dosha Explained |WORLD NEWS

Manglik Dosha, also known as Kuja Dosha or Mangal Dosha, is associated with the planet Mars. It is believed that the placement of Mars in certain houses in a person’s birth chart can result in this flaw. Manglik Dosha is considered inauspicious, especially in matters of marriage, and is believed to bring challenges and obstacles in one’s married life.
A person having Manglik Dosha will face difficulties or instabilities in marriage. This is because an individual with this dosha is typically aggressive in nature, as Mars is known as a cruel planet. It is also believed that if he/she marries an individual without this dosha, then there are chances of separation or even death. This dosha arises when Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house from the Lagna in Kundli.
Types of Manglik Dosha
1.Anshik Manglik Dosha (Partial Manglik Dosha) – The term “anshika” conveys a sense of smallness or limited influence, suggesting that this dosha is a partial effect of Mars affliction in one’s birth chart. Mangal dosha occurs when Mars is positioned in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house of the horoscope. Anshika Manglik Dosha is a milder form, indicating that Mars influences specific houses (1st, 2nd, 4th, 12th), resulting in less severe effects. It is characterized by comparatively less intense impacts and needs milder remedies to mitigate the dosha. It is believed that this dosha typically diminishes when individuals reach the age of 18.
2.Saatvik Manglik Dosha (Pure Manglik Dosha) – Saatvik Manglik Dosha occurs when Mars is positioned in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the birth chart. This is considered a more potent form of Manglik Dosha and is believed to bring challenges and obstacles in marital life.
3.Chandra Manglik Dosha (Manglik Dosha through Moon) – Chandra Manglik Dosha occurs when Mars is present in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house from the Moon. This Dosha is considered to impact the emotional and mental compatibility between partners, potentially leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

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