Decrypting integrity breaches in Indian examinations

Accolades to the Indian Parliament for considering the pertinent issue of fast pervading breach of the integrity of public examinations. The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means), Bill, 2024 may act as a deterrent to those who connive for examination question paper leakages or other related knaveries. Undoubtedly, criminalizing the act of transgressing the sanctity of examination is a welcome move but warrants reckoning the reasons for it. It will be prudent to devise appropriate strategies to nip these mischievous tendencies in the budding stage itself and dissuade the prospective beneficiaries from getting allured to such unethical activities. The punishments in the new law will help in curbing such attacks on the integrity of examinations through fear psychosis amongst the miscreants. However, these activities have been unlawful for quite a long but the instances of infringements of examination have been occurring frequently.  

Broadly, the examinations are the regular education programme examinations, examinations for admissions, and examinations for jobs. The modalities of examination breaches could be different but the ultimate objective behind every malpractice in respective examinations is to get the best examination outcome of the individual incoherent to their abilities.  The temptation to succeed in examinations without possessing the requisite competency, desperateness and presumptuousness of succeeding anyhow in the minds of a few has been primarily responsible for the academic malefaction. 

Importantly, the stages at which examination dishonesties are planned and the levels at which these get executed keep on differing. It could be at either in pre-examination, during examination conduction, and post-examination or a combination of the stages. The sanctity of examinations can be challenged by either leaking the question paper(s), use of unfair means by the students at the time of examination, impersonation, ghost-writing, manipulations at the time of evaluation, result preparation, etc. with the essential involvement of people engaged in the examination-evaluation stages. Besides, the modalities may be slightly different in the case of online computer-based examinations.  Let us ponder upon each of the possibilities of breaches at both offline and online examinations.

The question paper setting is carried out by an individual expert or a group of experts or randomly picked up by computer. The leakage of question paper(s) can occur at the level of the question paper setter, during the process of printing/computer uploading and feeding, or during the transaction of the question paper(s) up to the examination centre. Usually, the question paper leaks may not occur at the level of individuals due to their direct responsibility, however, it is vulnerable at the stages having multiple individuals with shared responsibilities. 

The methodology of cheating in examinations is different in offline and online exams. In offline exams, cheating is through special purpose chits/notes/books, copying from other examinees, helping examinees in answer writing, use of electronic gadgets for getting answers for writing, absence of proper frisking to prevent entry of unauthorised cheating material inside examination premises, ineffective invigilation ignoring cheating activities, separate seating of selected examinees for cheating, etc. Impersonation of the examinees with other proficient ones to write answer books or appear in examinations is also prevalent. 

In online examinations, technology plays a major role in helping examinees in answer writing. The revelation of the use of concealable communication tools by which the examinees continue communicating with outsiders for seeking assistance, hacking of computer systems, unauthorised access to exam databases, examinee’s computer screen sharing with outsiders, etc. are seen as potential threats to the online examinations. Nevertheless, due to the potential technological assistance, it is easy to isolate the online examinations from nefarious designs to break the sanctity of examinations provided the physical enablers and human resources engaged in the exam premises resolve to hold free and fair examinations. 

Post examination stage also offers the opportunity for manipulations during result preparation. There is always a possibility of playing with the outcome of the examination at the time of result preparation. People involved in post-examination result processing may seek illegal gratification from a few and help them by altering their performance indicators. 

Why does Question Paper Leakage occur?

The attempts to thwart the purity of the examination process primarily emanate from the students/examinees being not ready to accept their failure despite having insufficient abilities. Occasionally, the immoral route to pass examinations is also the culmination of the state of despair of examinees and parents arising out of the intense fear of not succeeding in one’s endeavours. The situation is by and large similar in the case of examinations in educational programmes and recruitment process examinations. The contenders strike a trade-off between the cost of failure with the cost of artifice to get success. Socio-economic conditions and poor moral values predominate the tendencies to breach the integrity of examinations. 

Secondly, in certain situations, the institutions may also prompt the students for unfair gains in lieu of some consideration with the objective of getting exemplary results from their institute. Thirdly, the corrupt mindset and intentions to exploit the weak ones by making them perform through cheating in any form facilitate examinees and the simultaneous gain to the officials engaged in the examination. People who are part of the examination conduction capitalize on the desperateness of the examinees and incubate the unfair practices in examinations. In the present-day education system with the significantly large participation of the self-financed private institutions, the competitiveness and commercialization of ranking/accreditation of the institutions, have greatly catalysed the institutions to get recognized with best ranks/accreditation grades for attracting students which in some cases pushes them to even adapt unethical practices to fetch best examination results.

Time and again it is observed through news reports that there exist solver gangs for helping students to perform well in their respective examinations. These solver gangs are a mix of unethical people comprising of those hooking up interested candidates, intelligent ones who can solve questions, liaison officials that coordinate with exam centre(s), technology solution providers for achieving the desired objective of cheating during examination, etc. 

Way forward:

The examinations being an inherent component of any assessment process call for necessary interventions to curb the breach of purity of examinations. It is desired irrespective of whether it is regular course exam, for admission or for recruitment to cleanse the examinations. Apparently, it may not be feasible to rule out the misdemeanour in examinations completely but corrective measures ought to be taken for it’s prevention. Stringent laws for nabbing the culprits and penalizing them uniformly will intimidate those who intend to capitalize on misdeeds in examinations. Concerted efforts to inculcate stronger values and high ethical standards in children by educational institutions will pave the way for the beneficiaries to reject such unethical and nefarious initiatives of shattering the probity of examinations. At the same time, children be prepared mentally in school/colleges/universities and at home to accept the defeats and failures to survive, overcome them, and thrive in life. Parents should ingrain the honesty and train the minds of their children and also assist them to set realistic, pragmatic, and achievable goals. In case of people revealing instances of malpractices in examinations, the complainant must be protected so that no one is deterred from reporting such matters to the appropriate legal authorities. 

The examining authorities should implement robust security measures, enforce ethical standards, and conduct thorough investigations into suspected malpractices and take harsh decisions on culprits. Also, efforts be made to rely on the digital model of examination with encrypted question papers, online examinations, stringent monitoring of personnel with access to papers, and increased awareness of the serious consequences of involvement in such unfair activities in exams. Technology can be further used to safeguard the high-stakes online examinations and make them credible. Let us hope the new law helps in building a fair, transparent, and accountable examination system. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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