Achilles’ heel of the AI revolution & fortune cookies for the job makers

Of all the oddities in the world, I find comfort in the fact that a study at Southern Utah University reveals that the ideal ratio of Choco chips to batter in a Choco chip cookie is 1:1! 

It is comforting because it defeats the reprised reality of human existence that “Change is the only constant.” 

I represent a generation that is transitioning from witnessing the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution to that of the 5th Industrial Revolution now. From mobile phones to the metaverse, we are watching our realities change gears, with the climate change crisis driving the wheel.

Disruptive tech is so omnipresent today that only 3 years after COVID, we have gone from a Digital to Virtual to Chips-in-the-brain reality. 

When the Taoist alchemist from China in 800 A.D. invented Gunpowder, it led to the first disruptive and massive warfare revolution in recorded human history. A transition so colossal that it collapsed Feudalism, let the French eat cake (I meant to type ‘End of French Revolution’ in the most stereotypical way) and years later also led to the construction of the Suez Canal!

A change of such magnitude is being transcripted today as we enter the era of Cognitive Disruption. I won’t be alarmed if, in the near future, there are jobs for Brain Reboot Consultants or Brain Exercise Partners! And won’t be long after this that you’ll see Bengali Baba Ads on walls around the city claiming – “Yantron ke Vashikaran se Mukti milegi.”

This 5th Industrial Revolution or as the intelligentsia calls it the “Cognitive Disruption Age”, is set to witness the dalliances between Humans & Machines. 

Presenting- A star-kid-starrer ‘AI, ML aur Woh’!

The AI boom is currently in its Honeymoon phase where Data collection and algorithm tuning have enthralled its senses. As we keep interacting with the tech in the form of Health Gadgets, Chatbots, VRs, and CAV it moves to a rather serious phase of the relationship and baby does AI know how to put a ring on it!

And the change is most evident in the Healthcare & Lifesciences Industry, according to me. 

AI can now enable Cancer treatment with only an access window of patient history & test reports. It can get your medicines registered in any corner of the globe. It can insert medicine in your DNA for root treatment. It can assist with surgeries and give birth. It can be the ‘Linchpin of Human Cognition’, I dare say. 

But not only Healthcare, AI changes the rules for Defence, Politics, Social, Economic, and Media Industries in the world. From Autonomous Defence Systems to Deepfakes, we are inching each day toward consciously imbibing our reality with AI. 

I wonder if Philosophers & Mathematicians are ready to jump on the bandwagon yet. You see the world needs people who can question reality and prove it! 

It is fascinating how these tools are designed to assist humans and make work efficient carry a weak spot- REGULATIONS!

 Be it a choco-chip cookie or AI tool, balance is the key. 

As we rampantly overdose on AI and burn our brain cells taking courses on prompt generation 

( a moment of silence for those who did), Industries must work on bringing a closer watch on the rules for its usage. Regulations are the only medicine to put a method to this madness. 

Countries in the West like the US, UK, Canada, and many EU countries have taken a rules-based approach to regulate AI across different industries. Meaning, that different sectors of the Industries run on standard but specific guidelines to inculcate AI in the framework.

While the Eastern philosophy of the India, China, Japan, and Singapore include morality and intuition in their compliance. The latter system is referred to as the “Hindu Jurisprudence”. This means that regulations and compliances relating to AI are to be governed based on 7 principles- safety & reliability, equality, inclusivity, privacy & security, transparency, accountability, and reinforcement of positive human values. Said the AI Lady of India Ms. Anna Roy, Senior Advisor NITI Aayog. 

While the hemispheres remain divided on the Regulation RuleBook Framework, Industries across the world should be cognizant of the fact that AI integration in the bylaws of the company should only be in tandem with regulations and compliances.

Remember, a 1:1 ratio for optimal satisfaction & happiness!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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