Hold your peace, it’s war

Peace is a many-sundered thing. For Putin, it means demilitarised, regime-changed Ukraine. For Zelensky, it entails ‘we all finish’ Putin. For Biden, it mandates Ukraine’s (uncertain) victory – via war that boosts US arms-making. For Trump, it requires Trump. But if Nato ‘delinquents’ withhold ‘dues’, Russia can do ‘whatever the hell they want’. Starting with Putin benefiting Trump…by endorsing Biden?

Military commanders pursue peace-oriented political goals in battle. By, say, carpet-bombing commies in Vietnam, only to let Saigon be bygones. Or bombarding Iraq into hugging democracy – and authoritarianism-promoting instability. Or de-Talibanising Afghanistan, just to see it re-Talibanised…Didn’t military theorist Clausewitz say war’s result is never ‘final’?

Chasing final results, ambitious, troops-hungry generals chafe in their political bosses’ labyrinths. Like Gen MacArthur, stopped from turning Korean conflict into WWIII. Or Gen Westmoreland, prevented from enlarging ’Nam’s killing fields. Or, recently, Russia’s Gen Surovikin, allegedly disciplined for befriending ‘mutineers’. Or Ukraine’s popular Gen Zaluzhny, reportedly fired for demanding ‘unpopular’ mobilisation.

Gen Patrick Sanders is UK’s outgoing army chief. Picturing land war, he called for a troops-bolstering ‘citizen army’. Frowning, No.10 dismissed the conscription scare. That didn’t stop boot-stamping ‘Lance Corporal Johnson’, ex-PM BoJo, from penning a Daily Mail column, saluting ‘Yes, Sah!’ to fighting ‘for King and country’. Yup, war’s a party(gate).

Tussles notwithstanding, war’s political-military-industrial JV requires cannon fodder, brawnwashed. Take one Russian military recruitment ad exhorting men to join up: ‘You’re a real man! Be one!’ It suggests pacifists are poofters and desperate housewives wanting hubbies demobilised are emasculators. ‘Bravery conquers fear’, a Ukrainian campaign sloganeers. With recruiters obliging draft-dodging palm-greasers, bribery conquers fear too.

Given its (f)utility, ‘statesmen’ pitch war as ‘continuation of policy’ by bloodier means. ‘Military geniuses’ chase gory glory. Both applaud war deeds, reducing war dead to competitive statistics. Courtesy both, distraught soldiers remember ‘firelit homes, clean beds and wives’ – war poet Siegfried Sassoon’s words. For these reluctant martyrs, it’s Catch-22: plead insanity to avoid being body-bagged, and you’re certified sane; if sane, you must do what’s insane: kill, get killed.

Three questions, answered, arise. Isn’t war still too serious a business to be left to the generals? Yes, sah! Can that too-precarious a blessing – peace – be left to expediently belligerent, expeditiously defence-lobbied and exasperatingly blinkered politicos? No, sah! Where does that leave us? Dunno, sah!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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