The week that was in international affairs

And we are back with another wrap of the Top 5 international stories from last week. From Ukraine to Indonesia, here are your moving geopolitics pieces:

Ukraine’s battlefield setback, diplomatic wins: In a setback for Ukraine, the eastern town of Avdiivka was captured by Russian forces after Ukrainian troops were ordered to withdraw to better-defended positions. After months of relentless Russian attacks on the town that saw Moscow take enormous losses, Ukraine’s armed forces took the tactical decision to retreat rather than hold onto the completely ruined town. This marks the first significant gain by Russia in the war since the fall of Bakhmut almost a year ago. But it doesn’t change the overall dynamics of the war given that Kyiv has better-prepared positions in other parts of the Avdiivka front. But interestingly, the US Biden administration was quick to link the situation in Avdiivka with the US Congress’s failure to provide Ukraine with additional funds for its military. True, the US Senate did pass an emergency aid bill last week that includes $60.1 billion for Ukraine. However, the fate of that bill remains uncertain in the US House of Representatives. Meanwhile, sans adequate and quick US aid, Ukraine is being forced to conserve its ammunition, weapons and manpower. This was definitely factored into its Avdiivka withdrawal.

That said, Ukraine also scored significant diplomatic victories last week, signing long-term security agreements with Germany and France for military support and training. Germany, in fact, committed to support Ukraine for as long as it takes against the Russian invasion. In addition to the agreement, Germany also announced a new €1.1 billion military support package for Ukraine, which includes 36 self-propelled howitzers, 120,000 rounds of artillery ammunition, two Skynex air defence systems and additional missiles for the IRIS-T air defence system. These developments are certainly welcome for Kyiv and form an important step for Ukraine’s eventual integration into Nato.

Navalny dies in prison: Russian opposition leader and long-time Putin critic Alexei Navalny died in a remote Arctic penal colony last week. Navalny was supposedly taking a walk and suddenly fell unconscious and died. The supporters of the 47-year-old, who had earlier survived a nerve-agent poisoning, have alleged foul play by Russian authorities. As have Western leaders, including Joe Biden. With Navalny gone, Russia’s disparate opposition groups have lost their most popular figure. And as Putin prepares to secure another term for himself, it shows that the Russian autocrat is determined to eliminate any and all domestic challenges.

Pakistan drama continues: The post-election uncertainty in Pakistan continued as a senior official in the garrison city of Rawalpindi alleged last week that he oversaw massive rigging that denied former PM Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) candidates a substantial number of seats. The Rawalpindi division commissioner also alleged that Pakistan’s election commission and its chief justice were involved in the rigging. This has boosted PTI’s claims that the entire election process was rigged at the behest of Pakistan’s powerful army, and it now demands a judicial probe into the allegations. However, it is unlikely that will happen, even as Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N and Zardari-Bhutto’s PPP have hitherto failed to cobble together a post-election coalition government. The elections showed that Imran and his party remain the most popular political force in Pakistan today. However, it is the Pakistani army that calls the shots. And it has enough people in the Pakistani system to get desired results. Does anything change for Pakistan’s so-called ‘Hybrid Regime’? There are no signs of that as yet.

Prabowo poised to take over in Indonesia: Elections in Indonesia last week saw most pollsters predicting victory for defence minister Prabowo Subianto for the post of President. Although official results will take weeks to be declared, preliminary results indicate a sweep for the 72-year-old Prabowo. Crucially, Prabowo is expected to continue outgoing President Joko Widodo’s policies. In fact, Widodo’s son was his running mate during these elections. And tacit endorsement by the hugely popular Jokowi is said to have propelled the Prabowo ticket.

The results are important because Indonesia is essentially the sleeping giant in South East Asia. The world’s third-largest democracy and the largest archipelago nation, sits on important sealanes between the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean. It anchors the South China Sea to the south and has in recent years seen skirmishes with Chinese coastguards and fishing militias in its North Natuna Sea. Jokowi had posited Indonesia as a global maritime fulcrum and had stepped up investments in ports and other maritime infrastructure. The US-educated Prabowo is expected to continue that policy and invest more in Indonesia’s coastguards and navy. In fact, his campaign manifesto highlights his desire to settle maritime borders with all of Indonesia’s neighbours barring China. In that sense, the incoming Prabowo regime is expected to play the role of a bulwark against unilateral Chinese aggression and hegemony in the South China Sea.

Greece legalises same-sex marriage: In a historic vote, Greek parliamentarians voted to legalise same-sex marriage, making Greece the first majority Orthodox country to establish marriage equality. The new law also allows same-sex couples to adopt and attain full parental rights over their wards. This is a big step for Greece which till a decade ago was seen as lagging the rest of Europe in LGBTQ+ rights. But over the last 10 years, it introduced civil partnership for gay couples, gave legal recognition to gender identity and banned conversion therapy for minors. This puts Greece on a progressive human rights track and holds out an example for other Orthodox Christian majority countries to follow. Kudos to Greece and hopefully its move will further strengthen the marriage equality principle and movement across the world.





Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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