Take note. It is an identity category that has taken off and may change the world

Indra Nooyi says that when she was accepted into Yale in 1978, her mother’s first response was, get married. Because “no single woman is going to go to United States.” Fast forward to today. Nearly half the students applying for overseas courses and those seeking financial assistance to fund their studies are women, data analysis by ET indicates. And a majority of them are likely single. At least in the experience of these women, attitudes of the Great Indian Family have undergone a sea change. In a virtuous circle, so has their self-confidence.

Young Indian women are going places | Education consultants indicate that applications from female students have jumped from 20-30% in FY21 to 40-45% in FY24. That’s a dramatic jump. It’s not confined to the metros either. Non-metro cities and small towns are behaving similarly. Young, educated women are making economically and socially bold decisions. To pursue success in their own rights. Take udaan.

But are young men keeping up? | A 2020 YouGov-Mint-CPR Millennial Survey found that even as educated men and women now have no difference in their career aspirations, the latter tend towards liberalism much more. Women are more likely to have close friendships outside their own caste, religion and gender.

Gender gap is global | Actually liberal attitudes between Gen Z women and men seem to be undergoing a global divergence. In US, youth gender gap in identifying as liberal first passed 10 points when Trump took office. It now stands at 15 percentage points, five times larger than in 2000. Germany has a comparable gender divergence of 30 points and UK 25. Chasms in South Korea and China look even wider.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet | There may be ways in which collective experiences like the pandemic or the preceding #MeToo movement have propelled collective attitudinal shifts. What’s certain is what’s taken momentum is very, very powerful. Patriarchy, you have been warned.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.


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