Religion, a precise science of creating clarity

By Osho

Religion is not superstition; it is not belief. It is not at all a dogma in which you can believe; it is something to be experienced. Just as science works through experimentation, religion works through experimentation. The experiment of religion is, of course, far deeper than that of science, far more individual, personal. Science and its inquiry are collective, objective; others can watch. But when you are moving into meditation, except for you nobody else will be there to witness it.

Of course, others will be able to see that something is happening to you, but what exactly it is they will never be able to decipher. Something mysterious will start surrounding you, and those who are very perceptive will be able to have some glimpse that you are no longer the same old person. Something new has entered your life. You have changed – but to what exactly, there is no way to judge from the outside or to measure from the outside. Only you know it.

It is like love: if you love, you know. Prayer is even deeper, far deeper than love. Meditation is the deepest; there is no more depth than meditation. But one thing which modern man has completely forgotten has to be remembered, that religion is also a science.

All the so-called modern thinkers go on saying that religion is superstitious, it is dogmatic, that it is nothing but blind belief. All these assertions are basically wrong. They are true as far as the so-called organised religions are concerned – Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism – but they are not true about the Buddha, Jesus, Krishn…they are not true about the really religious people. They are true about people who have been conditioned as Christians and Hindus, who have never explored on their own what exactly it is, who have simply believed as a formality. They go to church every Sunday, just as asocial formality. These are just good meeting places. They give you a certain kind of social status. People think that you are religious, that you are a good person. To be religious one needs a really daring spirit, such a deep desire and thirst for truth that even if life has to be sacrificed, one is ready for it. Those few people are religious – and they are not superstitious at all.

The Buddha says again and again to his disciples, “Don’t believe in what I am saying, don’t believe that this is written in the scriptures, don’t believe that all the past Buddhas have said it; believe only when you have known it, otherwise don’t believe, because to believe without knowing will keep you blind forever. And a blind person cannot see truth.”

Religion is a very precise science of creating clarity, perceptiveness, and transparency within your being, so that you can see things as they are, and the moment you see things as they are you know what godliness is. Just as you know when the sun rises that light is. No other proof is needed. Proofs are needed only for believers; for those who have experienced, experience is self-evident.

A bridged from The Imprisoned Splendor, courtesy: OSHO Times International, Osho International Foundation,



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