What is Type 3 Diabetes?

In a fraternity where terminologies, nomenclatures, and eponyms shape and reshape their identities like a spy on a run, this newly born medical coinage should not surprise us. Except that it has less to do with Diabetes and more to do with Dementia. Let’s cut to the point without any procrastination.

Just when we thought we have beaten the dictations of time and lengthened our longevity to a near century we find ourselves face to face with a monster, hitherto unknown, but now breathing down our necks in breath-close reality. We are referring to dementia, of course.

Needless to add, the word, dementia, in panting thirst, is upstaging the traditional ring of words that were once our habitual refuge. Be it Gita, Jesus, or Coca Cola. And of all the causes of dementia, the one that holds the centerstage, has been Alzheimer’s dementia. Documented way back in 1902 on a 51-year young hapless lady named Auguste Deter, this gnawing, crippling cognitive disorder has over the decades, grown exponentially, yet deceptively. Alzheimer’s, unlike most diseases, does not flaunt from outside. Rather it crumbles the psyche from inside. Slowly, silently but surely. Not like the hoof of a horse. More like a roach’s rustle. A glacier that will drag the mountain down eventually. 

While the effects are firm, determined, and devastating, the causes are unsure, changing and shifting. Like a roulette in a casino, we are throwing anything and everything that seems suspicious and threatening. Thus obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, heredity, diabetes…all have been implicated in the precipitation of Alzheimer’s. 

And this is here where Type 3 Diabetes snuggles in. A phenomenon more related to what we call as ‘Insulin resistance’. Insulin resistance per se is not an uncommon happening, being closely associated with obesity, and defined as the inability of target tissues to respond normally to insulin. In fact, Insulin resistance typically precedes the onset of type 2 diabetes (also called adult onset Diabetes) by several years. 

But what has fueled the fire are epidemiological studies suggesting that insulin resistance increases the risk for dementia, specifically of the Alzheimer’s type, even in nondiabetic populations. To simplify matters, our brains, starved of insulin, loses its sharpness in neurocognition eventually causing memory deficits, cognitive decline and many other features that are typical of Alzheimer’s.

So, where do we stand with these newly discovered findings? Simply put, if insulin resistance is one of the causes of Alzheimer’s, and if obesity is the prime cause of insulin resistance, we firmly need to shed the extra kilos. This is certainly not to imply that skinny people will not get the disease. But amidst all known and unknown causes, if one rotten egg is taken off the basket, we are that much healthier. 

Let us then put our boots on the ground. Let us run a mile every day. If we can’t, let us walk. If we can’t walk, let us just stretch our limbs. 

Any motion is priceless. Even a wink.



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