Deserving (potential) nobel laureates

Ever since an Indian Chief Minister claimed to be deserving of a Nobel Prize `for running the government in the state despite adverse conditions’, usually calm and quite Nobel Institute – home to Nobel Committee secretariat – has turned in to a scene of an unsettling disquiet and uncharacteristic excitement. Here they were, just about concluded the first meeting after February deadline for the nominations when this bombshell dropped amidst their set routine honed to perfection since 1901. Since the claimed Nobel Prize (by the said CM) could not have been awarded in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, or literature categories; the only existing category remains that of peace i.e., Noble Peace Prize. And this aspect put Noble Committee in a quandary: can a Noble Prize be awarded for fueling conditions to further inter-governmental discord? Didn’t Alfred Nobel said “…to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

And on top of this very evident oxymoron, how to reconcile the fact that here it was not a case of fraternity between nations but `antagonism’ between State and Union governments of the same nation!

Certainly, a case fit for further deliberations notwithstanding the fact that neither Alfred Noble envisaged such a development nor even at later stages, no one thought of such a scenario for creating a dedicated category (as was done decades later, in 1968, when Sweden’s central bank established Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel).

There was another smart but undeclared rationale: a matter arising out of India that is already a superpower and is going to be the third largest economy in the near future could only have been brushed off at the peril of the global community. And hence, as has been a universal practice world over to constitute a committee to resolve matters unresolvable and knotty; the Noble Institute reportedly has formed a committee with a mandate to decide if a Noble Prize is warranted for the claimed `extraordinary (mis)deeds’ and if yes, should a new category be added to the existing Noble Prizes, and more importantly; what would that category be called? The options being, but not limited to, the Noble Unpeaceful Prize, the Noble Prize for Hostile Actions, and the Noble Prize for Extreme Antagonism, etc. etc.

Indeed, some of the committee members – who have been keeping a watch on natural histrionics of many a politician – had opined in confidence that perhaps it was more appropriate to call this new category as the Noble Prize in the field of Dramatics (or some other performing arts). Whatever may it be called, let there be a Noble Prize in a category created by us, for us; at least in the Amrit Kaal.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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