The lion kink

Jug Suraiya

A former associate editor with the Times of India, Jug Suraiya writes two regular columns for the print edition, Jugular Vein, which appears every Friday, and Second Opinion,

In a zoo, two felines, Leo Panthera, are puzzled by the hullabaloo about the names given to them.

Leo 1: I’ll never understand that strange species called humans.
Leo 2: Me neither. You’d think with all that’s happening in that place they call Gaza, and that other place they call Ukraine, they’d have other things to get their knickers in a twist about than what names they call us.
Leo 1: And it’s not that I chose the name of a goddess of a particular faith.
Leo 2: And it’s not as if I chose the name of a big toot who belonged to another faith.
Leo 1: It’s all this faith business that gets humans worked up. What did they think would happen because of the names they’d given us? Love jihad?
Leo 2: Worse. Love zoo had. That’s why some people wanted us to be put in different zoos, so that there’d be no inter-faith hanky-panky.
Leo 1: Fortunately, a judge has sensibly ruled that our names be changed so as not to hurt anyone’s sentiments.
Leo 2: That’s all very well. But what about our sentiments being hurt?
Leo 1: Do we have sentiments? Leo 2: Course we do! Haven’t you heard that song full of sentiment called Lion Eyes, sung by some birds? The Egrets? The Owlets?
Leo 1: You’re right. We do have sentiments and they do get hurt. Every second roadside dhaba with signs ‘Brakekfass, Launch, Diner – Tandoori, Conti, Chinees’ is called Sher-E-Punjab. D’you like having a greasy spoon eatery that advertises ‘Child Bear Sold Hare’ being named after you?
Leo 2: Certainly not. Everyone talks about Gay Pride. How about our pride?
We’ve pride too. Which is why we’re collectively called a pride, right?
Leo 1: Right. And thanks to our pride we won’t take all this name-calling lion down.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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