‘Russia has shown that it is an aggressive state… it has to withdraw its troops to the internationally recognised borders, and to recognise and accept the full territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine’

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is in Albania today, where he is attending bilateral meetings and the summit of Ukraine and Southeast Europe countries to rally support for Kyiv. Both Albania and Ukraine are candidates for joining the EU. Plus, Albania, as a Nato member, has supported Ukraine throughout the course of the war and imposed sanctions on Russia. On the occasion of the recent Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi, Albania’s foreign minister, Igli Hasani, spoke with Rudroneel Ghosh about the war in Ukraine, EU membership and relations between New Delhi and Tirana:

Do you think there’s a possibility that Russia will attack Nato in the near future?

I cannot comment on the intentions of Russia. Russia has shown that it is an aggressive state, has invaded Ukraine unjustifiably, and is creating a hostile environment towards its direct neighbours. It is our duty and obligation to continue preparing as Nato members for any misbehaviour that the Russian federation may indulge in. And this is not only part of the political decisions that Nato is taking but also the military exercises that members have undertaken to deter any possible attack. 

Do you think there’s a possibility of a negotiated settlement to the conflict in Ukraine at this point?

That is by making Russia withdraw its troops to the internationally recognised borders, and to recognise and accept the full territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. This is the foremost condition in all aspects. 

Albania has been a candidate country to join EU for several years and now the bloc has decided to open membership talks with Ukraine. How do you see the push to give Ukraine membership?

The more we are the merrier, and this is not only a handout. The will of our people, the Albanian people, the Ukrainian people, the people of the western Balkans, specifically Moldova, is to join the EU. Because we see in the EU the family of values, the family of opportunities, and the family of countries that are basing their future and the future of their people in democracies with free market economies and rule of law.

Albania recently inked a deal with Italy that will see your country host up to 36,000 asylum seekers a year in two Italian-run processing centres. What’s your take on this?

The relationship between Albania and Italy is long and solid. Italy is one of the countries that has harboured hundreds and thousands of Albanians over several years in our history. Italy has always been supporting, helping and has always been there when there were difficulties and issues. And so this agreement that we have signed with Italy is a small contribution that we are willing to give to Italy to help them in moments where they have large streams of migrants, and they want to have these two centres in Albania that they will fully run and manage. So it’s only a small token of appreciation for Italy and what Italy has done for us. 

How do you see India’s position on the two wars in Ukraine and Israel?

Don’t make me comment on India’s foreign policy. India is an important partner for Albania. It’s important that we continue our common engagements together and continue shaping our future policies together, and I am happy to be here and meet dignitaries of your country, including your foreign minister, and I am happy to witness first-hand how India sees things. 

In international forums, what are the areas in which India and Albania can boost their cooperation?

Up until now we have supported each other in certain elections, we have shared possibilities of being members of certain panels. I think we will have many greater possibilities when we increase the frequency of not only political meetings but also meetings at the expert level. And with the opening of representations in both countries soon, I am sure these kinds of engagements will only increase, and we will align better in the way we perceive the current state of affairs in our world. 

Some of the issues on which we can cooperate better?

I think we should look in a better way the crisis we are facing.                 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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