Here is how IIM Calcutta’s Business Leadership programme is preparing leaders for the AI eraWORLD NEWS

Digital transformation is rapidly advancing worldwide. According to an IDC report,the spending on digital transformation is predicted to reach almost $4 trillion in 2027, thus highlighting the urgency of this transformative revolution. To stay relevant, businesses must adapt their models and strategies by embracing new-age digital solutions powered by technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Data Analytics, Cloud Platforms, Metaverse, Cybersecurity, and Automation.The future belongs to those with the vision to leverage digital technologies to drive growth and success for businesses. The message is clear: Bring transformation or risk falling behind in a fast-moving world. And, therefore, it is a huge responsibility for C-suite leaders to understand deep-tech and utilise AI and emerging technologies to bring a holistic change within their organisations.
Sense Digital, Think Digital, Craft Digital and Act Digital: A step-by-step way of leveraging AI at organisations
To introduce digital transformation in organisations, leaders must sense and bet on specific areas where digitalisation can enhance return on investment (ROI) and drive strategic growth. By thoroughly studying the landscape, businesses can discover opportunities within the realm of digital transformation.
After sensing the digital landscape, leaders need to start thinking digital. Here, they must conduct a thorough analysis of how digital transformation will impact their current processes. By predicting future possibilities and potential changes, leaders can proactively strategise and adapt their organisations to thrive in the digital era. The next step involves more groundwork for the transformational process. By crafting a practical digital framework, leaders ensure their organisations are equipped to maximise the business impact of digitalisation. In this stage, there’s a lot of strategic decision-making involved where the technological initiatives get aligned with overall organisational goals.
Finally, leaders bring the plan into action. They take charge and lead the digitalisation process across all verticals within reasonable deadlines. The leaders must then disseminate these growth strategies and digitalisation processes to larger teams and inspire them to inculcate these new processes into their daily schedules. They should then also measure the impact of the new processes on TATs and on the end results.
The entire process can be summed up within four digital pillars – Sense Digital, Think Digital, Craft Digital, and Act Digital. To understand them, C-suite leaders need to understand the new ways of managing businesses by embracing new tech and innovations.
IIM Calcutta’s Digital Business Leadership programme – A leadership ladder for utilising AI for organisation success
Potential C-suite leaders require a big leap to get them their next lucrative role. IIM Calcutta’s Digital Business Leadership programme is their gateway to understanding the digital scenario, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on businesses, market analysis that concludes the right decisions etc. The programme will seamlessly bridge the transition from senior to executive leadership across various functions.

IIM Calcutta | Advanced Programme in Digital Business Leadership | Programme Intro

The Advanced Certification Programme in Digital Business Leadership, offered by IIM Calcutta in collaboration with TalentSprint, is a 12-month programme developed for current and aspiring CXOs and senior management professionals. This programme equips candidates with the knowledge and skills required to lead digital transformation initiatives in today’s volatile business landscape.
Join the IIM Calcutta supremacy
In 1961, IIM Calcutta was the first management school to set a robust foundation of management studies in India. Continuing the rich legacy, IIM Calcutta is renowned for its path breaking programmes, research, and high-quality management education. The institute is ranked #4 with triple accreditation from EQUIS, AMBA, and AACSB. Its ideology that encourages leadership and innovation sets the institute apart, preparing students to face today’s dynamic business landscape. Its powerful alumni network and industry connections open doors for collaboration, professional development and new opportunities.
A comprehensive curriculum that covers – Sense Digital, Think Digital, Craft Digital, Act Digital
Learn a powerful strategic multi-disciplinary framework through four modules –
Module 1: Sense Digital
In this module, learn disruptive technologies such as AI, blockchain, and IoT to stay competitive and drive growth. You will also learn design-thinking which is a practical problem solving approach that brings in a creative plus iterative perspective. Become TKBLs (Transformational Knowledge-Based Leaders) who can innovate as well as lead transformative initiatives.
Module 2: Think Digital
This module will focus on understanding the economics of digital. Learn how to bundle digital products and services to enhance value propositions. Also understand the concept of unbundling where businesses disaggregate offerings to cater to niche markets or enhance user experience. Candidates will also learn how to leverage data and analytics to optimise pricing decisions and to maximise revenue. Explore cutting-edge applications of Big Data, ML, AI and generative AI in various business functions such as marketing and finance to operations and customer service. Learn how these technologies can create new business opportunities and productivity.
Module 3: Craft Digital
In the third module, learn design and user experience to drive successful product launches. Explore A/B testing and how these experiments can improve performances and data-driven decisions. Analyse various digital business models, from subscription and freemium to platform-based and on-demand services, and understand how these models disrupt traditional industries and create new value propositions. Understand the impact of new technologies such as IoT, AI, and robotics on modern industries and leveraging emerging technologies in Industry 4.0. Learn how to apply these technologies to drive innovation and operational productivity.
Module 4: Act Digital
In the final module, the faculty will help candidates to understand how to do a self-assessment to identify strengths and areas for growth. Explore the concept of organisational ambidexterity, balancing exploitation of existing capabilities with exploration of new opportunities. Understand how AI influences business strategy and competitive dynamics and how to adopt AI’s new strategies ethically. Also know the ethical challenges posed by AI and big data, its privacy encroachment and bias. The module will also teach how to develop frameworks for ethical decision-making and responsible technology use.
Learn from renowned faculty
IIM Calcutta has two experienced professors who would help the candidates to explore the programme-
Anirvan Pant, Associate Professor of Strategic Management at IIM Calcutta, focuses on the challenges faced by Indian firms and their leaders. His research explores how these entities navigate strategic change and leadership over time. Particularly, he examines how firms adapt their business models, identity, and purpose in response to ever-evolving stakeholder demands and a dynamic business landscape. Dr. Pant’s research has received recognition, appearing in prestigious journals like Harvard Business Review and the Journal of International Business Studies, and even being cited by The Economist.
Whereas, Professor Abhipsa Pal is an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, where she specialises in Management Information Systems. Her research focuses on mobile payment technologies, with a particular emphasis on their adoption and sustained use in fast-developing countries such as India. She has investigated the motivations driving mobile payment usage, its potential for contributing to sustainable development, and the contextual factors that influence its long-term adoption.
Experience immersive & practical learning format
By exploring interesting case studies, leaders can further hone and sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by analysing diverse business situations with a technology perspective. Hands-on sessions will help them by bridging the gap between theory and practice. Similarly, capstone projects will challenge them to showcase their readiness to execute complex projects and professional situations.
The two 5-day campus visits to IIM Calcutta will result in valuable interactions with faculty and peers. Candidates can also experience interactive live classes and cutting-edge learning on, TalentSprint’s state-of-the-art digital platform.
Interact with diverse groups of batchmates
Candidates will benefit from a richly diverse batch wherein 84% of participants boast over 15 years of experience, with the remaining 16% bringing 10-15 years of expertise. This eclectic mix of batchmates create a positive environment for the exchange of ideas and problem-solving. Seasoned professionals can engage in meaningful discourse with their experienced counterparts, thus fueling knowledge-sharing and informative dialogue.
Programme outcomes that bring in personal & organizational growth
The programme will empower candidates to follow a digital philosophy and channelise organizational as well as personal growth.

  • Develop insights into disruptive technologies such as AI, blockchain, IoT, and their potential impact on different industries
  • Advocate a culture of design thinking in your organization
  • Develop and communicate a clear digital transformation strategy aligned with organizational goals
  • Learn how to stay abreast of technological advancements and strategically guide teams through the inevitable changes
  • Build strong customer value propositions which involve understanding customer needs, preferences, and pain points through thorough market research and feedback collection.

Why do leaders choose this programme?
Dinesh Kulkarni, CFO, Kuwy Technology Service Private

Alumni Stories | Dinesh Kulkarni | Advance Programme in Digital Business Leadership

Puja Singh, Director, Mastercard says, “With this programme, you could acquire skills which will help you move to the next level, which is the C-band level. That was my aspiration, and that’s what motivated me to take this course. IIMC is pretty famous for being detail-oriented and to get the basics right. So I believe that it is the focus with which they could build up the basics, and that is what attracted me to come to IIMC. Looking forward to getting in right up the curve.”
Sheker Hariharan, Product Group Manager, Ford Business Services India

Alumni Stories | Sheker Hariharan | Advance Programme in Digital Business Leadership

Ketan Shah, Senior Director, Hitachi Solutions India Pvt Ltd, says, “Over the last 10 years, I have been seeing a huge movement in terms of digital business leadership or how to get our organisations more digital. In my every consulting engagement those topics had become a focal point. I used to support those discussions, but I never had a firm hand on what type of strategies to apply, how different it is from our normal go-to business. Sense Digital, Think Digital, Craft Digital, Act Digital teach how to start thinking digital. We take a capstone project or we either take an organisation to learn and understand their digital path or we basically bring up a kind very high-performing startup and apply all the digital concepts which we have understood from the course. This course has added a lot of value to my knowledge of my career, and I would suggest that anybody who’s into managerial role should opt for such a course, specifically from IIM Calcutta.”
The programme is most suitable for –

  • For current and aspiring Digital CXOs who want to equip themselves with strategic insights and technological knowledge necessary to drive digital initiatives and drive great innovations within their organisations.
  • Business leaders, management professionals, technologists, and startup leaders across diverse industries in India can learn to leverage AI and deeptech to improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and create new business models.
  • Senior professionals / Team leaders from IT, Communication, BFSI, FMCG, Consulting, Healthcare, Retail, eCommerce etc. can smoothly navigate digital change, make informed decisions, and lead their teams through digital disruption.
  • Business-Technology consultants will learn to deliver value through technology-driven transformations.

Other programme details:
Application Fee: Rs. 2500/-
Batch 3 classes starting soon
Corporate and EMI options are available
American critic Howard Rheingold was right when he said, ‘Soon the digital divide will not be between the haves and the have-nots. It will be between the know-hows and the non-know-hows.’ Artificial intelligence, automation, and other emerging technologies are rapidly transforming every industry. Therefore, digital transformation is crucial for staying at the forefront and marching ahead with strategies that will garner success and growth. IIM Calcutta’s Advanced Programme in Digital Business Leadership equips C-suite leaders with essential skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic digital landscape, including the effective utilization of AI and emerging technologies. Enrol in this programme to stay at the forefront of AI-driven digital transformation.
Disclaimer: This article has been produced on behalf of TalentSprint by Times Internet’s Spotlight team

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