Not on account of vote

Politically savvy and fiscally prudent, budget bets on India Inc investing more. Will that happen? Budgets are embedded in a political context. The salient political message in Modi’s government’s last budget before the Lok Sabha election is unmistakable. They are confident. Confidence in vote | FM stuck to convention while presenting her sixth budget. It was

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These are not so taxing times

EY India CEO argues GOI’s tax reforms have paid off. Proof is record revenue collection. Next steps: upgrading GST and simplifying dispute resolution mechanism At more than 7% growth projected this fiscal, India remains the fastest growing major economy. Not only is it on the way to becoming the third largest economy but it’s also

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GOI eco review right on growth momentum, but sustaining it needs reforms, and millions need quality jobs

GOI’s review document of a decade’s economic journey highlighted the strong growth impulse propelling India’s economic momentum. India’s performance this year is set to beat expectations. And IMF says it will remain the fastest growing major economy next year. 7%+ trajectory | GOI’s advance estimate of economic growth in 2023-24 pegged it at 7.3%. Last year,

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Why comparisons can distort!

One of the very frequently used statements in international financial circles when it comes to India is that the average Indian family income is less than USD 5 per day and India has not lifted a large mass of it’s population out of abject poverty and there is too much income differential between the Upper

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Budgets’ job not done: Jobs

Former RBI governor writes FM must use interim budget to explain how India’s brisk growth can be marshalled against inequality Dear Finance Minister, Many congratulations on completing full term as FM, an accomplishment only few of your illustrious predecessors managed. My compliments also for announcing beforehand that vote on account will be just that –

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Oil’s well? Not quite

Low global fuel price helps GOI. But frozen domestic pump prices are a distortion Modi government heads into its last budget this term with international crude prices working in its favour. Indian basket was priced at $80.5 a barrel on Tuesday. Price trends since Israel-Hamas conflict began in October have defied market fears of a

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