Russian: Germany probing possible ‘poisoning’ of Russian journoWORLD NEW

German prosecutors said they are investigating the attempted murder of Berlin-based Russian journalist Elena Kostyuchenko after she was one of the three Russian exile journalists who experienced symptoms consistent with poisoning. Kostyuchenko, a foreign correspondent who exposed alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine, last October experienced extreme disorientation, abdominal pain and swollen extremities on a

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Greece Wildfires: 18 bodies found in Greece as firefighters battle wind-driven wildfires across the countryWORLD NEW

ALEXANDROUPOLIS: Firefighters on Tuesday found the burnt bodies of 18 people believed to have been migrants who had crossed the Turkish border into an area of northeastern Greece where wildfires have raged for days. The discovery near the city of Alexandroupolis came as hundreds of firefighters battled dozens of wildfires across the country amid gale-force

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German push to ease migrants’ citizenship path faces red tape reality checkWORLD NEW

BERLIN: Germany‘s cabinet on Wednesday passed a draft bill to ease the citizenship law, hoping a faster track to German nationality will attract skilled migrants to plug chronic labour shortages holding back Europe’s biggest economy. Some experts caution that progress may be slow, noting parts of Germany’s administrative machinery are already creaking under a big

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Ukraine: Ukraine Drone Attacks: Russia and Ukraine trade drone attacks as Kyiv claims it took out a key S-400 missile defense system | World NewsWORLD NEW

KYIV: Russia and Ukraine traded drone attacks early Wednesday, officials said, with Kyiv apparently targeting Moscow again and the Kremlin’s forces launching another bombardment of Ukrainian grain storage depots in what have recently become signature tactics in the almost 18-month war.Later Wednesday, the Ukrainian intelligence agency claimed it had destroyed a key Russian S-400 surface-to-air

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Russia says it repelled border incursion from UkraineWORLD NEW

MOSCOW: Moscow’s forces have repelled an attempt by Ukrainian “saboteurs” to break into the Russian border region of Bryansk, the region’s local governor said Tuesday. Russian regions bordering Ukraine have reported repeated shelling and attacks from Kyiv’s forces, including occasional cross-border incursions by pro-Ukraine armed militants. “Today Ukrainian saboteurs attempted to break through the state

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