The lion kink

Jug Suraiya A former associate editor with the Times of India, Jug Suraiya writes two regular columns for the print edition, Jugular Vein, which appears every Friday, and Second Opinion, which appears on Wednesdays. His blog takes a contrarian view of topical and timeless issues, political, social, economic and speculative. LESS … MORE In a

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Fair, lovely market

Fairness creams are no longer as popular as they used to be, says a surprising piece of consumer data from NielsenIQ, reported by Economic Times. Younger audiences are seeking glow rather than fairness, say companies, and fairness creams have grown significantly slower than ‘clean’ skincare and sun protection. Is this wholesome trend a sign of

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My day, these days…

It was the 20th day since Mommy had gone to village and my patience was bursting, everytime I would be on call with Mommy. And she felt equally helpless like how I felt when my daal, in the pressure cooker and the rice on the other burner, whistled at the same time. That morning my

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A calorie is a calorie

The belief that all calories are equal is a widespread myth, even among the well-educated segments of our society. This notion is heavily promoted by the processed food industry to justify the increasing presence of ultra-processed foods in our diets. The argument posits that the source of calories—whether from protein, fat, carbohydrates, or whether the

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From clutter to clarity: Boosting productivity through deletion

In today’s digital age, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the constant influx of information, notifications, and digital distractions. Our digital spaces can quickly become cluttered, hindering our ability to focus, prioritize, and ultimately be productive. Decluttering your digital space allows you to remove distractions and create a focused environment. You get the following benefits, specifically,

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What is Type 3 Diabetes?

In a fraternity where terminologies, nomenclatures, and eponyms shape and reshape their identities like a spy on a run, this newly born medical coinage should not surprise us. Except that it has less to do with Diabetes and more to do with Dementia. Let’s cut to the point without any procrastination. Just when we thought

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