Celebrate love at any age

Valentine’s Day, a tradition dating back to the 14th century in Western cultures, has evolved into a day of expressing love through flowers, candies, and heartfelt cards known as “valentines.” While it remains a special occasion for new romances and long-married couples, it holds even deeper significance for seniors who have lived rich and full

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How I became a watercolour artist

I started painting watercolours in my sixties, almost 47 years after I had given up. I am often asked: why did I start so late? I feel the question is redundant. One can do anything, within his physical and mental capacities, at any age. My response generally is that watercolour paintings always held a fascination

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Temper tantrums and power play

Around three years ago, I was in a posh hotel in Gurugram where I witnessed an elite woman shouting and creating a ruckus in the hotel lobby over some service/hospitality issue. The lady, quite unladylike, was hurling the choicest abuses at the trembling concierge standing next to her while the lobby manager was going out

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Refresh or Refreshing?

Gather here all you tech-loving and tech-averse people, the Gen A to Z, people of all genders and belief systems. It’s time to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  But how?  Cupid now prefers a smartphone and Wi-Fi connection to his traditional bow and arrow! From evolution- to caves- to the digital landscape peppered by AI, humans have

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When I loved

Valentine’s Day is coming. That’s why the preparations are: Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day… and many more. But the definition of love is changing day by day for me. I am always restless to express the feelings in my heart, but who is listening? There is no time for anyone. Nowadays, there

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Protein myth

There are many myths related to protein in our society propagated, knowingly or unknowingly, by many in the food and healthcare industries. These myths include the belief that The human body needs a lot of protein. Protein is hard to find in foodPlant protein is somehow inferior to animal protein and doesn’t contain all amino

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