August is all about Annandha

When do you think an entire nation was last left with a bated breath to witness history unfolding in front of its own eyes or let me put it the other way were you ever left with a bated breath for something spectacular to unfold which brought you ultimate happiness, joy, ecstasy, delight & bliss

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A slice of Varanasi

Exploring Varanasi was never an enticing option initially, though the plan was in the offing for long. Kashi Yatra – “a pilgrimage not a picnic”- a familiar phrase – brought to me faded images of the holy city from 2008- the first time I made a visit to Kashi as a schoolkid. Though the annoyingly

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The half-baked joke

Nobody gives a damn about Taliban’s twisted sense of humor and how it makes Afghan women laugh till they cry. The latest punchline from Taliban’s comedy club is to ban women from parks. Women in Afghanistan are already forbidden from learning, teaching, working, earning, or even having fun. UN clowns warn of a mental breakdown,

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Friends in kneed

Dr Patlel-la should be the appropriate knee surgeon, no? No. Mine carried the vaunted surname which in Mumbai covers almost the entire Materia Medica. Even Kolkata’s storied Bengali fraternity doesn’t boast the same dynastic cachet as its Parsi counterpart here. In fact, you might think that FRCS actually stands for Father Rustom, Cawas Son. Udwadia

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Inkwell of the night: Blue moon!

Upon the canvas of the night sky’s dome, A solitary orb, the blue moon, roams. Ethereal glow, a rare sight to swoon, Casting its spell under the midnight’s tune. In cobalt hues, its radiance spills, A tranquil magic, a hushed thrill. Whispers of stories, ancient and unknown, In its cerulean aura, stories enfold, Beneath the

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