Isro’s Reusable Launch Vehicle completes 3rd landing test, paving way for orbital re-entry | India News

BENGALURU: Isro, which had, on March 22 completed the second landing experiment of its reusable launch vehicle (RLV) — “RLV-LEX-02” — Sunday conducted the third landing experiment (RLV-LEX-03), paving the way for an orbital re-entry test.The test was conducted at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) at Challakere in Chitradurga district, some 220km from Bengaluru.The RLV

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Rocket carrying French-Chinese satellite launches from southwestern China to study gamma-ray bursts

NEW DELHI: A Long March 2-C rocket carrying the French-Chinese satellite Space Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) successfully lifted off from southwestern China on Saturday to explore the universe’s most powerful explosions, gamma-ray bursts.The SVOM satellite, weighing 930 kilograms and equipped with instruments from both countries, aims to detect and study gamma-ray bursts, which are extremely

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