When Descartes, Vedanta try to know the self

Ganesh Kolambakar René Descartes, a 17th-century French philosopher, introduced the statement ‘I think, therefore I am’, as a fundamental element of his philosophical method of self-inquiry. He began by doubting everything, even the existence of the external world, to find an undeniable starting point to know the self. In his meditations, Descartes realised that while

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A GPS for the mind

By:- Narayani Ganesh How convenient it would be if a GPS system could help us find the mind. But GPS is connected to the physical realm, whereas the mind exists in the non-physical realm – or does it? Some say that the mind is an extension of the brain, so it could be both within

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The queen who chose forest!

Across ages, Goddess Sita has captured hearts and imaginations. Yet, her image often gets draped in the ornate fabric of devotion, obscuring the remarkable leadership qualities that resonate even in today’s complex world. Let’s peel back the layers of myth and scripture to discover the woman in saffron, a leader crafted in the crucible of

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Match the wavelength, flow like a stream

By- Arup Mitra In the Indic tradition of spiritual and cultural pursuits, classical music and dance play a pivotal role in exploring the depth of one’s existence, offering unconditional joy to rejuvenate life thoroughly. The Natya Shastra of Bharat, a Sanskrit treatise on the performing arts, is considered as the pancham, fifth, Ved. In fact,

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