A case of AI for the educators

Amidst the current uncertainties, educators are needed more than ever to act as agents of socio environmental and cultural cohesion across communities. Nonetheless, recent Unesco estimates state that the world needs 44 million more teachers to educate every child. But the observation that 9% of primary school teachers quit globally in 2022 indicates a vocational

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The future of creative expression

OpenAI recently announced its new invention ‘Sora’. This AI has the capability to generate real-life videos up to one minute long from simple text inputs, signalling a future where creativity is not just an innate human trait but also a digital commodity. Sora is capable of creating “complex scenes with multiple characters, specific types of

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Sora so what

Shock cannot be a permanent state. The world experienced a collective spasm after ChatGPT was launched in Nov 2022. And then it calmed down. Chatbot use is growing but fits of fear/ecstasy have ebbed. Now OpenAI has introduced Sora, a jumbo leap in text-to-video AI. Once again there is copious addaabout what jobs are threatened,

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Exploring the world of Embodied AI 

Unveiling the Future: Exploring the World of Embodied AI  In recent years, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen remarkable  advancements, pushing the boundaries of what we believe is possible by machines.  ChatGPT took the world by storm and was the fastest growing company in 2023.  The underlying technology for Open AI is called

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The RAG-ing success of LLMs

I have always said that the space between a human and an LLM is made up of prompt engineering. Through this article today, let me admit that the space is actually made up of prompt engineering and RAG. We have seen the flurry of experiments and activities that the advent of LLMs has brought us.

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Are DRE technologies the future of rural livelihoods?

Decentralised renewable energy (DRE) technologies can support the growth of small businesses and microenterprises in rural India. Here’s how grassroots nonprofits can help. Over the past decade, access to electricity has increased significantly among rural households in India. However, the quality of this electricity supply is still questionable—even where there is access, it is irregular.

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A GPS for the mind

By:- Narayani Ganesh How convenient it would be if a GPS system could help us find the mind. But GPS is connected to the physical realm, whereas the mind exists in the non-physical realm – or does it? Some say that the mind is an extension of the brain, so it could be both within

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