Surge in infections in various countries from Omicron sub-variants is not of undue concern, given low severity and hospitalisation. Scientists hope it’ll stay that way

Knock! Knock! Who is there? Omicron. Omicron who? Omicron who conned you, with mutations. This could well be the new word game patented by the SARS CoV-2 virus. New sub-variants of Omicron springing up in different parts of the world are demanding attention. What threats do these new arrivals pose? Will there be local outbreaks,

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Four for the future

From the ramparts of Red Fort, PM Modi has articulated his grand vision of a long-lasting golden era of progress and prosperity for India, as Maa Bharti bounces back confidently after a thousand years of slavery, subjugation and impoverishment. Modi, India’s first prime minister who was born after Independence, is optimistic about the country’s future.

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Why the moon mission is also a cultural triumph

The first definite indication that millions of tense Indians got of the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon was the televised images of ISRO scientists jumping in delight and congratulating each other. Science and technology, it is said, transcends national boundaries. However, there was no mistaking the total Indian-ness of the celebrations in the

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NMC rules on hold but issue of pharma-doc nexus remains alive

The medical fraternity’s high-octane campaign against prescriptions using generic names and curbs on funding by pharmaceutical companies and other allied health sector firms seem to have yielded results, with the National Medical Commission putting the new regulations on hold. However, it has raised some pertinent questions. First, generic prescriptions and pharma sponsorship of medical conferences

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