Why the moon mission is also a cultural triumph

The first definite indication that millions of tense Indians got of the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon was the televised images of ISRO scientists jumping in delight and congratulating each other. Science and technology, it is said, transcends national boundaries. However, there was no mistaking the total Indian-ness of the celebrations in the

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NMC rules on hold but issue of pharma-doc nexus remains alive

The medical fraternity’s high-octane campaign against prescriptions using generic names and curbs on funding by pharmaceutical companies and other allied health sector firms seem to have yielded results, with the National Medical Commission putting the new regulations on hold. However, it has raised some pertinent questions. First, generic prescriptions and pharma sponsorship of medical conferences

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An analysis of India’s approach

While the media speculated that India was not keen on the BRICS’s expansion, India skilfully crafted a strategy to have rule-based criteria for admission into the group that would help in maintaining the nature of the group as a multilateral organisation. India does not see BRICS as an organisation opposed to the West but rather

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The playful craft of T-shirt slogans!

In a world where laughter is a universal currency, the funny t-shirt slogan stands as a testament to our shared love for humour. Puns are the superheroes of humour, and funny t-shirt slogans are their grand stage. Transforming everyday phrases into witty wordplay is like tickling the brain with a feather. Imagine a t-shirt that

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The Travlist Manifesto

Many travellers face this dilemma — so many places to visit, so little time and not enough money. We read travel articles with stunning photographs, we trawl websites with enticing deals, we make elaborate plans with friends to visit places far and near… And then, we go nowhere. Life, in its myriad draining ways, chains

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