Biden to Trump, stereotypes about memory and aging are a poor judge of competency. Look at the science

America’s median age is less than 39. Both Biden and Trump are doubly older. Across the pond, France has a 34-year-old PM. More than their years though, it is the many instances of their ‘forgetfulness’ that have critics questioning Biden-Trump’s fitness for the world’s most powerful presidency. Experts, however, suggest that these concerns are rooted

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‘Russia has shown that it is an aggressive state… it has to withdraw its troops to the internationally recognised borders, and to recognise and accept the full territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine’

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is in Albania today, where he is attending bilateral meetings and the summit of Ukraine and Southeast Europe countries to rally support for Kyiv. Both Albania and Ukraine are candidates for joining the EU. Plus, Albania, as a Nato member, has supported Ukraine throughout the course of the war and imposed

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Deserving (potential) nobel laureates

Ever since an Indian Chief Minister claimed to be deserving of a Nobel Prize `for running the government in the state despite adverse conditions’, usually calm and quite Nobel Institute – home to Nobel Committee secretariat – has turned in to a scene of an unsettling disquiet and uncharacteristic excitement. Here they were, just about

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Bash mainstream media, cower before Vladimir Putin

A proselytiser and purveyor of outrageous lies and conspiracy theories and a streetfighter delivering sucker punches for autocrats, megalomaniacs and disruptors.  Sucker Charlatan—Oops! Tucker Carlson—masquerades as a journalist who dominated the American airwaves with his misogyny, calumnies and falsehood from Monday to Friday from 2016 to 2023.         Tucker Carlson Tonight was the most

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India needs to take prophylactic steps

The FBI chief Wray explained the growing PRC-sponsored cyber capabilities and operations to the US House Select Committee, which deserves the attention of all nations having problems with that country. Wray warned about China’s cyber hacking capabilities to ‘wreak havoc’ on the US infrastructure. While the Chinese cyber threat was also underlined earlier in October

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Hold your peace, it’s war

Peace is a many-sundered thing. For Putin, it means demilitarised, regime-changed Ukraine. For Zelensky, it entails ‘we all finish’ Putin. For Biden, it mandates Ukraine’s (uncertain) victory – via war that boosts US arms-making. For Trump, it requires Trump. But if Nato ‘delinquents’ withhold ‘dues’, Russia can do ‘whatever the hell they want’. Starting with

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The week that was in international affairs

And we are back with another wrap of the Top 5 international stories from last week. From Ukraine to Indonesia, here are your moving geopolitics pieces: Ukraine’s battlefield setback, diplomatic wins: In a setback for Ukraine, the eastern town of Avdiivka was captured by Russian forces after Ukrainian troops were ordered to withdraw to better-defended

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