Balancing cultural equation – Part 1

‘Life is a balancing act’, holds good even for resolving cultural conflicts in a fast moving and migrating world. With the forces of globalization and free market economy, migration to a country with a different culture has become inevitable. This has resulted in a clash between the old and the new, Eastern and Western cultures.

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Sri Lanka’s economic recovery is markedly better than Pakistan’s. The former has better institutions

In a remarkable turnaround, Sri Lanka today appears to have overcome the worst of its political-economic crisis. Recall that a year ago, angry Sri Lankans had stormed their president’s residence dissatisfied with deteriorating economic conditions. There were huge shortages of essentials such as food, fuel and medicines. This ultimately forced then president Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s ouster.

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An analysis of India’s approach

While the media speculated that India was not keen on the BRICS’s expansion, India skilfully crafted a strategy to have rule-based criteria for admission into the group that would help in maintaining the nature of the group as a multilateral organisation. India does not see BRICS as an organisation opposed to the West but rather

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